Recursos Naturales





Water resources:
Features presenting the water resources for consumption, processes, energy or other uses. Usually linked to water features already documented in the data component "hydrography" and "groundwater bodies"
Information about resources should be linked to the hydrography data by id's. Used in water and energy supply management, risk and hazards management, agriculture sustainability assessments.

Agricultural resources:
Agricultural inventories, with mapping of existing and potential land for cultivation. Description of quality, production potential, suitable farming systems and crops, limiting factors under natural conditions. Land use by agriculture Includes categories such as irrigated areas and organic farming areas.
Usually agricultural inventories are coordinated by national agricultural bodies.
Important statistics should be available.
Used in agriculture, in assessment of pressures – impact and responses to erosion, salinisation, desertification.

Forestry resources:
Mapping of forest resources, areas potential production at detailed levels also forest stand quality. Information on sustainable exploitation levels. Forest resources is usually mapped at regional and local levels, coordinated by national inventory mapping bodies.
Used for management for sustainable exploitation of forest, planning for multi-purpose use of forest areas. Environmental assessment of erosion, biodiversity, water flow.

Fishery resources/use:
Overall fishery resource description, by mapping the stock distribution (breeding, migration, and living areas). Information on carrying capacity/sustainable catch levels.
Fishery institutions at national and regional levels. Fishery data is used for adjusting exploitation to carrying capacity levels, assessment of sustainability in the fishery sector and effects on other sectors and resources, biodiversity in particular.

Geological resources:
Geological resources, such as minerals, stone resources and deposits (sands/gravel), including hydrocarbons (oil, gas).
European level mapping of geological resources. Local level resource estimates. Important for assessment material flows, exploitation of definite resources, climate change, biodiversity.

Renewable energy resources:
Energy resources excluding hydrocarbons: hydropower, bioenergy, solar, wind etc. For some data relevant with depth/height information on the extent of the resource, e.g oil/gas and wind.
Of major importance to the sectors. In environmental assessments and planning used to view trends in extent and effect on other land cover or natural values, effect on sustainability or over-exploitation on resource use.








Principal | Localización Geográfica | Unidades Administrativas | Propiedad | Topografía | Ambiente Geofísico | Clima/Meteo | Hidrografía | Oceanos | Biodiversidad | Superficie Terrestres | Recursos Naturales | Transporte | Equipamientos | Infraestructuras | Economia | Legislación Territorial | Riesgos | Polución | Aspectos Sociales | Salud

 Copyright GISIMEDEA [e-mail].
Last Update : 17 de noviembre de 2006.