




Elevation information for land
Digital elevation information and digital elevation models for land surface and surface of inland waters. Simplified or pre-processed data as contours.
Different data for different uses:
- Elevation grid/DEM of low accuracy (ca. 1: 100.000) is needed in Pan-European analysis
- Elevation grid of high accuracy is needed
Important in modelling of land slides and avalanches, flooding vulnerability, risk to erosion, flow of water and pollutants, spread of air pollution, fires, noise, biodiversity. Used in many sectors, amongst others environment, water supply, energy sector, agricultural and forestry.

Digital depth information and digital models. Consists of soundings, gridded bottom model or other DEMs. Isoline databases should also be available. Hydrographic surveys in the different countries produces the core data. Simplified or pre-processed versions with contours from GISCO.
Safety at sea, will anticipated effect of fewer accidents and thereby pollution, location of valuable biodiversity sites in shallow waters, location of sea resources and valuable sites for fish farming. Understanding of flow pattern and chemical composition in water. Also important in assessment of location of pipelines at sea.

Important element to be treated separately. Different methods for definition and observation of coastline.
Harmonised data needed at all levels. Important as reference in production of all features on land and sea, when integrated with all kinds of data presentations/maps. Detailed coastline data important in assessing climate change.hhhh










Principal | Localización Geográfica | Unidades Administrativas | Propiedad | Topografía | Ambiente Geofísico | Clima/Meteo | Hidrografía | Oceanos | Biodiversidad | Superficie Terrestres | Recursos Naturales | Transporte | Equipamientos | Infraestructuras | Economia | Legislación Territorial | Riesgos | Polución | Aspectos Sociales | Salud

 Copyright GISIMEDEA [e-mail].
Last Update : 17 de noviembre de 2006.