Awarded fellowships

SA NOSTRA FOUNDATION FELLOWSHIP (Spain) to research in the University of California Berkeley. Ten months (October 2000-July 2001)

(USA). Three month (August 2001-October 2001)

Ongoing awarded projects

TITLE OF THE PROPOSAL: Aplicacion de la técnica del codigo de barras del ADN para la estimacion rapida de grupos megadiversos en puntos calientes de la biodiversidad: los artropodos del istmo de Panama. FUNDING AGENCY: Fundacion BBVA “III Convocatoria de ayudas a la investigacion en biologia de la conservacion” (200000 Euros). DATES: 01/12/2006 – 30/11/2009. IP: JOAN PONS

TITLE OF THE PROPOSAL: Lessons from the past: The role of climatic changes in the origin and shaping of the biodiversity in the spider genera Harpactocrates and Parachtes (Araneae, Dysderidae). FUNDING AGENCY: Plan Nacional MEC (120000 Euros). DATES: 1/10/2006 – 30/09/2009. IP: MIQUEL A: ARNEDO

TITLE OF THE PROPOSAL: Structural and functional analysis of non-coding heterochromatic DNA in insect Tribolium castaneum. FUNDING AGENCY: European Commission (6th framework). Marie Curie host fellowships for the transfer of knowledge (TOK), (600000 Euros). DATES: 2007 - 2010. IP: DURDICA UGARKOVIC; CO_IP JOAN PONS (112000 Euros)

Finished projects

TITLE OF THE PROPOSAL: Species-level phylogenies to explain global diversification rates in a lineage.
FUNDING AGENCY: NERC, United Kingdom (NER/A/S/2000/00489). DATES: 01/06/2001 -23/12/2004. IP: ALFRIED P. VOGLER

TITLE OF THE PROPOSAL: Adaptive radiation of spiders on oceanic islands.
FUNDING AGENCY: National Science Foundation, USA (DEB 9726573). DATES: 01/01/1996 - 31/12/2000. IP: ROSEMARY GILLESPIE.

TITLE OF THE PROPOSAL: Molecular phylogeny and cladistic analysis of Canarian beetles.
FUNDING AGENCY: Accion integrada hispano-britanica, Spain-UK (HB 1996-0029). DATES: 31/03/1997 - 01/04/1998. IP:  EDUARD PETITPIERRE & G.M. HEWITT

TITLE OF THE PROPOSAL: Speciation by geographic isolation in beetles: Molecular and cytogenetic approaches.
FUNDING AGENCY: Minister of Education and Science, Spain (DGICYT PB96-0090). DATES: 01/01/1997 - 31/12/1999. IP:  EDUARD PETITPIERRE VALL

TITLE OF THE PROPOSAL: Molecular and chromosomal phylogenies based on cladistic analysis.
FUNDING AGENCY: Minister of Education and Science, Spain (DGICYT PB93-0419-CO2-01). DATES: 01/01/1994 - 31/12/1996. IP:  EDUARD PETITPIERRE VALL

TITLE OF THE PROPOSAL: Molecular tools applied to beetle taxonomy.
FUNDING AGENCY: Accion integrada hispano-britanica, Spain-UK (ACCIÓN Nº 8ª) DATES: 01/04/1990 - 31/03/1991 IP: EDUARD PETITPIERRE & G.M. HEWITT

TITLE OF THE PROPOSAL: Constitutive heterochromatin and chromosomal structure and its evolution in beetles.
FUNDING AGENCY: Minister of Education and Science, Spain (DGICYT PB90-357). DATES: 01/01/1991 - 31/12/1993. IP: EDUARD PETITPIERRE VALL

Joan Pons's Curriculum Vitae