IMEDEA Calendar | ![]() |
Dl | Dt | Dc | Dj | Dv | Ds | Dg |
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Understanding the extent of animal mortality, the where and when mortality occurs, is paramount to implement effective conservation actions and secure the persistence of animal populations. Unfortunately, so far our understanding of animal survival (which is the inverse of mortality) is very limited, even for well-studied species such as vultures. Project SURVIVALIST has the ambitious objective of filling this knowledge gap for three European vultures (Griffon, Cinereous and Bearded vulture). Based on a large collaborative network, SURVIVALIST collated a uniquely large dataset (including >1400 vulture individuals across the three species) of high-resolution vulture tracking data. These data are analysed using novel approaches to quantify survival in time across the species annual cycle (e.g. during the breeding and non-breeding season) and life-stages (juvenile, immature, adults; Objective 1). Survival variation for each species is then mapped across space by integrating survival modeling with space use from the tracking data, to identify hotspots of vulture mortality (Objective 2). | 13 | 14 |
15 | 16 | 17 | 18 |
El Centro Balear de Biodiversidad es una iniciativa que pretende generar conocimiento acerca de la rica diversidad biológica y el excepcional entorno natural del archipiélago Balear. Esta información es crucial para establecer políticas de gestión y conservación en un contexto de cambio global y que permitan mantener los servicios ecosistémicos que la biodiversidad provee a la sociedad. Los objetivos del CBB son: 1) fortalecer el potencial y la capacidad de la comunidad científica de la región, generando conocimiento y estableciendo colaboraciones y sinergias; 2) dar apoyo científico-técnico a gestores gubernamentales y el sector privado, y 3) establecer colaboraciones estratégicas, servicios, asesoramiento y formación en cuestiones relacionadas con la biodiversidad. El CBB está compuesto por cuatro unidades que responden a sus objetivos científicos, formativos y de apoyo técnico a la comunidad científica interesada en la biodiversidad de las Islas Baleares, estos son: la Unidad de colecciones de historia natural, la Unidad de genómica, la unidad de gestión de datos y la unidad de formación y divulgación científica. El equipo humano lo componen un equipo multidisciplinar de investigadores y técnicos. En este seminario parte del equipo del CBB hablará de los objetivos, composición y estructura del centro, de los equipos y servicios que ofrece y de cómo establecer contacto con nosotros. | 20 | 21 |
22 | 23 | 24 |
Meeting Seagrass Consortium
Meeting with partners of the seagrass Constorium (Uni. Groningen, Project seagrass, Office française de la biodiversité, GIPREB - Syndicat mixte, CGG, Sea Rangers, IHCantabria) and invited speakers (Iberostar, medgadens, Arrels marines, Consellería de Medio Ambiente i Territori en las Islas Baleares) |
AbstractMangrove deforestation and land subsidence have led to significant challenges such as coastal floods and retreat in northern Java. To address these issues, a large-scale Building with Nature (BwN) solution is being implemented by re-establishing a mangrove forest that acts as a coastal defence. Large semi-permeable bamboo dams are being built to facilitate natural mangrove recruitment by accumulating sediments and creating a habitat for the trees. The ecosystem that grows on these bamboo artificial structures and its effect on the surrounding ecosystem has not yet been fully studied. Within this context, we set up a three-month field experiment in which we looked at the development of a macrofouling community on bamboo poles and mangrove Avicennia marina trees, and the effect of the BwN structure on the development of such communities. We observed that bamboo poles get colonized faster and support a different community than mangrove trunks. Mangrove trees were colonized mostly by Ostreidae whereas bamboo poles by Amphibalanus. Percentage coverage was consistently higher on bamboo poles. Additionally, we observed lower coverage in the location affected by the semi-permeable barrier compared to locations that were not, potentially due to the sediments trapped by the barrier which may impede larval settlement. Lastly, we discuss the idea that the structure and its ecosystem may have a nutrient enrichment effect, potentially influencing mangrove tree resilience to strong winds. Our findings contribute insights into the ecological functions and implications of these BwN structures in the marine environment, emphasizing the importance of considering their broader impacts on mangrove ecosystems. | 27 | 28 |
29 | 30 | 31 |