IMEDEA Calendar | ![]() |
When | What | Where |
Dv 31st maig 12:00 pm 12:30 pm | You4Blue - Young Generations for Sustainable Blue Growth es un proyecto Erasmus+ dirigido a estudiantes de secundaria en tres islas mediterráneas de la UE, con el objetivo de aumentar la conciencia sobre los desafíos ambientales y proporcionar herramientas para una vida sostenible. El proyecto fomenta una nueva relación con el medio ambiente, desarrolla competencias en áreas STEAM y TIC, y promueve habilidades blandas como la empatía y el pensamiento crítico. En el marco de este proyecto, el “Sea Curriculum” promueve la participación de estudiantes locales en experiencias prácticas relacionadas con los ecosistemas y las ciencias marinas. Este componente está coordinado por IMEDEA en colaboración con IES Bendinat, con el objetivo de desarrollar e implementar estas actividades de aprendizaje. Una de las actividades consiste en que los estudiantes elijan una temática de investigación y preparen una presentación, la cual será expuesta en IMEDEA.
Comprender y mitigar la acidificación de los océanos AUTORES: Gemma Semley-Dyne, Fiona Martina Torres Cruz, Manoela Tsvetanova Manolova, Marc Reynes Garcia, Amelia Moral Blanco, Vlada Stashkevych.
¿Es posible un turismo sostenible en Mallorca? AUTORES: Marcos Merino Sierra, Amadou Sall, Toni Matias Castell, Daniel Sander Gassner, Diego Bertorelli Carmona
Praderas de Posidonia: ante una nueva extinción? AUTORES: Fernando Blanes, Hugo Gonzalez, Noelia Navarro, Alicia Catalá, Andrea Thyus, Lily Ron Sala de Seminarios del IMEDEA, Esporles | |
Dv 7th juny 12:00 pm 12:30 pm | AbstractThe Southwestern Atlantic Ocean (SWA), is considered one of the most productive areas of the world, with a high abundance of ecologically and economically important fish species. Yet, the biological responses of this complex region to climate variability are still uncertain. Using 24 years of satellite-derived Chl-a data, the SWA was classified into 9 spatially coherent regions based on the temporal variability of Chl-a concentration, as revealed by SOM (Self-Organizing Maps) analysis. These biogeographical regions were the basis of a regional trend analysis in phytoplankton biomass, phenological indices, and environmental forcing variations. A general positive trend in phytoplankton concentration was observed, especially in the highly productive areas of the northern shelf-break, where phytoplankton biomass has increased at a rate of up to 0.42 ± 0.04 mg m −3 per decade. Significant positive trends in sea surface temperature were observed in 4 of the 9 regions (0.08–0.26 °C decade −1) and shoaling of the mixing layer depth in 5 of the 9 regions (−1.50 to −3.36 m decade −1). In addition to the generally positive trend in Chl-a, the most conspicuous change in the phytoplankton temporal patterns in the SWA is a delay in the autumn bloom (between 15 ± 3 and 24 ± 6 days decade −1, depending on the region). The observed variations in phytoplankton phenology could be attributed to climate-induced ocean warming and extended stratification period. The provided results further evidence of the impact of climate change on these highly productive waters. Sala de Seminarios del IMEDEA, Esporles | |
Dl 10th juny 10:00 am 11:30 am | Seminar “Understanding the network structure of ecosystems to guide conservation action” Sala Seminarios |