Internal Cycle of Seminars at IMEDEA (CISI) consist on a cycle of seminar presentations given mainly by doctoral students, masters and junior postdocs, although it is not closed to other staff, such as visitors and staff, that take place every Friday from 12:00 p.m. to 12:30 p.m in the seminar room os IMEDEA.

This represents a great opportunity to learn more about the research carried out at the Institute and to bring those with less experience , the chance of increasing their presentation and public speaking skills. Afterwards, there will be coffee and some biscuits  😉 We strongly encourage you to participate. Join us!

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Internal Cycle of Seminars IMEDEA -Enrique Sánchez-Fabres- «Incorporating acoustic telemetry-derived individual behaviour on population dynamics of exploited fish through IBM.»



This work investigates the intricate dynamics of marine fish populations, specifically focusing on the effect of behavioural variation within individuals. The study employs an Individual-Based Model (IBM) to simulate the population dynamics of the pearly razorfish (Xyrichtys novacula), incorporating key life history processes such as recruitment, growth, and mortality. Spatial behavioural traits at the individual level, including home range (HR) and chronotype, are integrated into the model to assess their impact on survival, fishing activity and population dynamics.


Link to the video here