IMEDEA Calendar
Vie 6th Sep
12:00 pm
12:30 pm


Microbes in Nature rarely exist in isolation. How stable, functional microbial communities establish, however, is not fully understood. Studies on synthetic communities, ‘constructed’ from few species, have shown metabolic interactions can readily emerge among microbes and can allow for their stable co-existence. The extent and stability of metabolic interactions within natural communities, however, is more difficult to study, especially over time. In this talk, I will explain our attempts to adapt and maintain a natural community in the laboratory for long-term study of species composition, metabolic interactions, and stability. We have ‘adapted’ a freshwater community to the lab under lack of carbon source and application of a 12hr light-dark cycle. This resulted in a microbial community of 17 species, including a filamentous, gliding cyanobacteria. We found that this community maintains species composition stably over a 2-year period of serial passaging. We found evidence for carbon and vitamin sharing among members of this community and genetic capacity of sulfur cycling and anoxygenic photosynthesis functions. We have also found that this system results in reproducible spatial structure formation, including cm-scale granules. We show that these granules harbour anoxic microenvironments, which could sustain some of the genetically encoded anoxic functions. The formation of structural organisation is underpinned by the gliding motility of the filamentous cyanobacteria and we find that the collective motility of many filaments leads to emergent behaviours underpinning iron acquisition. Our findings show that structural organisation driven by one species can significantly shape microenvironments and determine assembly, stability, and function of a larger microbial community. The presented system can act as a model for understanding the formation of cyanobacterial mats and granules found in Nature and how they function to underpin biogeochemical cycling of key compounds. At the same time, the presented (or similar) mid-complexity system can be adapted to biotechnological applications in carbon capture, and sunlight to chemical conversion.

Sala de Seminarios del IMEDEA, Esporles
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Vie 6th Sep
12:00 pm
2:00 pm
sala d'actes son Lledó (Campus UIB)
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Vie 13th Sep
12:00 pm
12:30 pm



Over the past 30 years, satellite-based radar altimetry has revolutionized the measurement of sea level changes on global and regional scales. However, conventional altimeters, designed primarily for open-ocean observations, face significant challenges in coastal zones, particularly within 20 km of the shoreline, where radar signals are contaminated by land reflections. This limitation has impeded precise monitoring of coastal sea level variations, which are crucial for understanding local coastal processes and assessing risks to coastal communities. The Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) mission, developed by NASA and CNES, represents a breakthrough in coastal sea level observation. Equipped with the innovative Ka-band Radar Interferometer (KaRIn), SWOT offers unprecedented high-resolution (2 km) sea surface height (SSH) measurements across a two-dimensional swath, enabling detailed analysis of coastal sea level dynamics. Furthermore, SWOT's high-resolution SSH mapping enables the detection of extreme coastal sea level events, such as storm surges, providing a novel tool for monitoring and characterizing the processes involved in these phenomena. This project evaluates SWOT's performance in coastal regions by comparing it against tide gauges, ERA5 reanalysis weather model and SCHISM ocean circulation model. This study has the potential to significantly advance our understanding of coastal processes and improve monitoring efforts for extreme events, with a focus on its capacity to detect storm surges, driven by strong winds and low atmospheric pressure during intense weather events like tropical cyclones and extratropical storms which cause abrupt and significant rises in sea level along coastlines.

Sala de Seminarios del IMEDEA, Esporles
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Vie 20th Sep
12:00 pm
12:30 pm


Aquatic environments make up 70% of the total Planet Earth surface and marine phytoplankton is of crucial importance in the regulation of the climate as well as a key contributor to primary productivity and to global geochemical cycles. Although marine microorganisms have been widely studied during decades, we still lack widespread quantification methods of their microscopic behaviour. Here I will present my plan to study different aspects of the unicellular uniflagellate microalga Micromonas widely distributed in the world’s oceans. My focus is on its interactions with viruses, one of the most important regulators of Micromonas abundance. Questions about ecology, chemotaxis, physiology and phototaxis will be addressed -or, at least: that’s the idea! -.

Sala de Seminarios del IMEDEA, Esporles
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Mar 24th Sep
9:30 am
11:00 am
Reunió amb el Director General d'Universitats, Recerca i Ensenyaments Artístics

Visita del DG d’Universitats, Recerca i Ensenyaments Artístics Superiors a l’IMEDEA

Dimarts, 24 de setembre de 2024, a les 09.30 h -  IMEDEA, Esporles


Dr. Sebastian Massanet, DG d’Universitats, Recerca i Ensenyaments Artístics Superiors del GOIB

Dra. Salud Deudero, Delegada del CSIC a les Illes Balears

Dr. Jaume Carot, Rector de la UIB

Dr. Gotzon Besterrechea, director de l’IMEDEA

Dra. Marta Marcos, vicedirectora de l’IMEDEA

Dr. Idan Tuval, vicedirector de l’IMEDEA

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Jue 26th Sep
9:00 am
6:00 pm



Sala de Seminarios, IMEDEA
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Vie 27th Sep
12:00 pm
12:30 pm





Understanding the 3D dynamics of meso- and submesoscale ocean structures (10–100 km) remains a critical challenge in oceanography. These small-scale eddies, vital to the global climate system, regulate heat balance and transport key elements like salt, carbon, and nutrients. Current methodologies integrate multi-platform in-situ data, remote sensing, and high-resolution model simulations to study these features. However, conventional satellite Sea Surface Height (SSH) measurements struggle to detect smaller currents and eddies. The launch of the SWOT (Surface Water and Ocean Topography) satellite in 2022 represents a breakthrough, offering higher-resolution SSH observations that provide unprecedented insights into ocean dynamics. During SWOT's validation phase in April and May 2023, we conducted two oceanographic campaigns to monitor a small anticyclonic eddy (~12.5 km radius) in the Western Mediterranean Sea. Our study aimed to analyze the eddy's vertical structure using in-situ data and assess SWOT’s capability to detect it. Glider observations revealed the eddy as an intrathermocline feature, and SWOT successfully captured the associated sea level and geostrophic currents, showing significant improvement over conventional altimetry. This study underscores SWOT's ability to resolve both submesoscale and mesoscale structures and highlights the value of integrating satellite and multi-platform data for comprehensive oceanographic insights.

Sala de Seminarios del IMEDEA, Esporles
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Vie 27th Sep
5:00 pm
10:00 pm

El próximo viernes 27 de septiembre, la ciudad de Palma celebra de nuevo la ciencia con el regreso de la European Researchers’ Night

🗓️ Fecha: Viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2024.

🕔 Hora: A partir de las 17:00 h y hasta las 22:00 h.

📍 Lugar: Diversos puntos de la ciudad de Palma.

Actividades gratuitas y abiertas para todos los públicos.

+ Info en el siguiente enlace:

CaixaForum de Palma
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Mar 1st Oct
10:00 am
2:00 pm
Curso de administración de oxígeno y primeros auxilios
sala de seminarios
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Mié 9th Oct
Hotel Victoria Gran Meliá, Palma
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Jue 10th Oct
9:30 am
1:00 pm

Conducted by Luis Quevedo, journalist, scientific communicator, podcaster and much more!


Aimed at: IMEDEA scientific and technical staff who want to learn how to talk about their work or improve their oral communication tools.


- Date: Thursday, October 10 from 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.


- Location: IMEDEA seminar room.


- Languages: Spanish and English.


- Free registration open until October 3, through the following link:


IMEDEA Training Program for Excellence

This workshop is an initiative of the IMEDEA 'Maria de Maeztu' excellence program,

grant CEX2021-001198 funded by MICIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033


Sala Seminarios IMEDEA
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Vie 11th Oct
12:30 pm
1:30 pm

On this occasion, Esther Hoyoy and María Pizarro, from the JAE ICU Programme will share with us 2 different presentations: 

  • «Tracking behavioural and physiological responses of seabass in aquaculture cages.» Esther Hoyo

  • « Effects of oxygen supersaturation on marine and aquatic continental ecosystems: a meta-analysis» María Pizarro

Sala de Seminarios del IMEDEA, Esporles
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Lun 14th Oct
8:00 am
to Vie 18th Oct
4:00 pm
Sala Seminario
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Dom 20th Oct
to Vie 25th Oct

La MAllorca Science School 2024, Interdisciplinary Science for Marine and Coastal Conservation in a Changing World”, organizada por IMEDEA, está dirigida principalmente a estudiantes predoctorales y personal de investigación posdoctoral, así como a estudiantes avanzados de máster. El objetivo es el de equipar a investigadores en sus primeras etapas con los conocimientos y habilidades de investigación necesarios para abordar desafíos ambientales significativos, como el cambio climático, la pérdida de biodiversidad y la gestión sostenible de recursos en ecosistemas emblemáticos.

Contando con la participación de un equipo de ponentes internacionales, la escuela integrará la investigación práctica con fundamentos teóricos de diversas disciplinas, incluyendo oceanografía, ecología marina y costera, ciencias sociales y gobernanza marina. La formación se complementará con sesiones enfocadas en habilidades transversales.

Las inscripciones están abiertas hasta el 31 de marzo.

Hotel Iberostar Cristina, Playa de Palma / Sala de Seminario IMEDEA
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Vie 25th Oct
12:00 pm
12:30 pm



A long history of ecological research in vegetated coastal ecosystems supports the blue carbon concept, which refers to the carbon stored in mangroves, salt marshes, and seagrass meadows. The combination of high plant productivity, slow decomposition, sediment accumulation, and unique soil characteristics makes these ecosystems efficient carbon sinks. Under the current climate change scenario, their importance has grown significantly, becoming central to several climate policies at both local and global scales and a key component in implementing natural climate solutions. Yet, global blue carbon accounting is incomplete, with major gaps in southern hemisphere data. It also shows large variability, suggesting that the interaction between environmental and biological drivers is important at the local scale. In this seminar, I will present our findings exploring the biological and environmental factors that determine blue carbon stocks in the southwest Atlantic salt marshes. We identify that the impact of burrowing crabs, along with the identity of the dominant plant species, accretion rates, and granulometry, are the main factors in determining organic carbon stocks. These results help fill a major gap in blue carbon data for southern hemisphere salt marshes and contribute to understanding the ecological mechanisms behind them.


Sala de Seminarios del IMEDEA, Esporles
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