YOU4BLUE: An Erasmus+ Project to Revolutionize Young People's Relationship with the Marine Environment



This project aims to inspire young people to see the Earth not only as a resource but as an essential part of their identity, thus promoting a more sustainable future.

In the current social and environmental context, it is imperative to raise awareness among young people about the challenges we face and how they can contribute to a sustainable and healthy life. With this purpose in mind, the Erasmus+ project You4Blue emerges, an educational initiative supported by the European Union and developed on three Mediterranean islands: Italy, Greece, and Spain. Its goal is to promote a multidisciplinary sustainability experience for high school students, where marine resources are considered not only a source of food but also of recreation, spirituality, sports, and culture, among other aspects.

Implemented on three Mediterranean islands - Italy, Greece, and Spain - YOU4BLUE offers students the opportunity to immerse themselves in diverse cultures, promoting multiculturalism and appreciation for diversity. The pan-European nature of the project also seeks to strengthen social cohesion and European identity among younger generations.

YOU4BLUE encourages students to interact with experts in natural and social sciences, fostering critical thinking and a multidisciplinary approach. The Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies (IMEDEA) is the scientific partner of the project in Spain, and the IES Bendinat Institute in Calviá is the institution where the scientific collaboration and support have been carried out.

Photo: Students from the YOU4BLUE program during the visit to the Cabrera Maritime-Terrestrial National Park.

As part of this scientific support, students have visited the Cabrera Archipelago Maritime-Terrestrial National Park, known by the scientific community as the "Mediterranean Laboratory" because its coastal landscape is one of the best preserved on the Mediterranean coast. Through a guided tour, they were able to learn about the ethnological and natural richness of the Park.

Photo: Students from the YOU4BLUE program during the visit to the Cabrera Maritime-Terrestrial National Park.

The next event within the project will take place from April 16th to 18th in the city of Heraklion, Crete, which will become the meeting point for the project's second student exchange. Over these days, approximately 50 students from Mallorca, Sardinia, and Crete will come together to participate in a series of interactive activities.

Their goal will be to consciously investigate and experience the maritime environment, a distinctive and essential element of their respective local cultures. This meeting in Heraklion marks the second in-person gathering of the project, following the first event that took place in Cagliari, Sardinia, in April 2023. The culmination of the project is scheduled for September 2024, where Mallorca will host the final meeting.