News of: Anna Traveset Vilagines 08/04/2019 Bel Busquets visits the IMEDEA facilities 13/03/2019 Specialists in terrestrial ecology demand a special protection for wild pollinators in the Iberian peninsula 08/02/2019 IMEDEA has participated in the 1st Iberian Ecological Society Meeting (SIBECOL 2019) 25/10/2018 IMEDEA participates in the First Jornades on Canvi Climàtic a les les Illes Balears 13/09/2018 IMEDEA participates in La nit dels investigadors 2018 with the activity «speed dating with scientists» 16/06/2018 Sant Pere 2018 IMEDEA's Open Day 23/03/2018 The #11FBalears platform, of which IMEDEA forms part, wins the 'María Plaza 2018' Award 13/02/2018 The first flowers of the GrENE-net experiment bloom in Mallorca 02/02/2018 IMEDEA organizes the XV edition of ECOFLOR 24/01/2018 IMEDEA participates in the activities of the 'International Day of Women and Girls in Science' 2018 18/01/2018 The Laboratory of Earth Ecology of the Global Change Group of IMEDEA organizes an Ecological Network Analysis Course 11/01/2018 Presentation of the Pollinators of the Balearic Islands website <<1 2 3 4 56 7 >>76