Evolution and Ecology
The Ecology and Evolution Group (EEG) has developed a broad and deep expertise, encompassing any scientific aspect of island life – systematics, biogeography, evolution, and ecology.
Global change research
The Global Change Research (GCR) group aims at understanding, forecasting and ultimately managing the risks posed by Global Change.
Environmental microbiology
The expertise of the Environmental Microbiology Group (EMG) spans molecular microbial ecology, systematics and taxonomy, and biodegradation of pollutants by marine microorganisms. Over the last few years, the group has also specialized in ‘omics’ approaches applied to environmental microbiology.
Marine technologies, operational and coastal oceanography
The Marine Technology, Operational and Coastal Oceanography (TMOOC) group is interested in the physical mechanisms of the dynamics of the ocean, from the nearshore to the open sea.
Physico-biological interactions in the ocean
The objective of the Research Group on Physico-Biological Interactions in the Ocean (InFiBiO) is to understand, from an interdisciplinary perspective, the physical, chemical and biological factors that determine the functioning, structure and organization of planktonic organisms, as well as their response to natural and anthropogenic disturbances.
Marine research in ecological and social systems
The Marine Research in Ecological and Social Systems group (MARES) aims to understand the functioning, structure and dynamics of marine living resources and essential habitats, and assess their stability and resilience to cope with future environmental changes.