The Marine Research in Ecological and Social Systems group (MARES) aims to understand the functioning, structure and dynamics of marine living resources and essential habitats, and assess their stability and resilience to cope with future changes. It also aims to analyse the importance and complex interactions of humans with the marine environment, considering ecological, social, cultural and political dimensions. Current research focuses on (1) fish ecology, fisheries and aquaculture; (2) the ecology of benthic communities and habitat- forming species and their restoration; (3) social and cultural aspects in socioecological systems; (4) and the translation of scientific knowledge into ecosystem management and social awareness.
Recent Publications
Recent Projects
Jordi Abad Platas
Balma Albalat Oliver

Paula Alós Lluerna
Amaya Alvarez Ellacuria
Gabriel Araújo Njaim
Eneko Aspillaga Cuevas
Barbara Barceló Llull

Ricardo Castro Camba
Jose Maria Disdier Gómez
David Fernández Sousa
Mª Del Mar Gil Oviedo
Laura Guerrero Meseguer
Gema Hernan Martinez
Esther Hoyo Alvarez
Laia Illa López
Juan Jose Martin Estarellas
Vicenç Moltó Seguí
Sergio Puyol Gutierrez
Francesca Reynés Fanals
Ismael Rodriguez López
Noelia Rodriguez López
Maria Rubio Bernal
Marco Signaroli