Todos los Años20252024202320222021202020192018201720162015201420132012201120102009200820072006200520042003200220012000 Todos los gruposGrupo de investigación en Biomoleculas marinasEcologia y EvoluciónInvestigación del Cambio GlobalInvestigación Marina en Sistemas Ecológicos y SocialesInteracciones Fisico-Biologicas en el OcéanoMicrobiología del Medio AmbienteTecnologías Marinas, Oceanografía Operacional y Costera Todos los ProyectosADAPTAAQUAREACHAccPosidoniaBIODIV ANTROBALBIODIV COREMARBIODIV ConBoSer-BioBIODIV IBFISHBIODIV OSSOMICSBOSQUE MARINOC-BluesC3S2_520_CNRCALY-2CEREBALCYCLEDEPICTDETECTDIACOMDOORSEBAMAR-PortoC CAIBEFFECTIVEFAST-SWOTFORNELLSFUNLANDFish-PARENTHOODGRASSRECGenAliTrackHOBSHydroPore IIILLOTISLANDLIFELAMARCA-MODSLIFE23-NAT-ES-LIFEOASISMARBEFESMETACIRCLEMETARAORModiFISHOBAMA-NEXTOCEAN CITIZENObsSea4ClimOxigenPHOSYNTAXPHYCOLABPREFISHFARMPRTR EBAMAR-PortoC MRRPRTR EnviroBassPRTR NOISYFLAGPRTR OCEANPATHSPRTR SEAFRONTPRTR SEAGRASSRESTPRTR SWINTREMARRHODOMEDSHINESMILEVESPAMYou4Blue Artículos Libros Capítulos Quitar Filtros Publicaciones de: Josep Alós Crespí Genetic population structure of a top predatory fish (northern pike, Esox lucius) covaries with anthropogenic alteration of freshwater ecosystems E. Eschbach, A. Nolte, K. Kohlmann et al.Freshwater biology, 66 2021 Leer Más → Aggressiveness-related behavioural types in the pearly razorfish M. Martorell-Barceló, J. Mulet, J. Sanllehi et al.Peerj, 9 2021 Leer Más → Latitudinal variation in plant defence against herbivory in a marine foundation species does not follow a linear pattern: The importance of resource availability Hernán G., Ortega M.J., Henderson J. et al.Global ecology and biogeography, 30 2021 Leer Más → Performance of a novel system for high-resolution tracking of marine fish societies Eneko Aspillaga, Robert Arlinghaus, Martina Martorell-Barceló et al.Animal biotelemetry, 9 2021 Leer Más → Interactions between angler movement behaviour and an invasive seaweed with ecosystem engineering properties in a marine recreational fishery Josep Alós, Arancha Lana, Josep Ramis et al.Fisheries research, 230 2020 Leer Más → Invasion by an ecosystem engineer shifts the abundance and distribution of fish but does not decrease diversity A. Vivó-Pons, J. Alós, F. Tomas.Marine pollution bulletin, 106 2020 Leer Más → MPA network design based on graph theory and emergent properties of larval dispersal Andres Ospina-Alvarez, S de Juan, Josep Alós et al.Marine ecology progress series, 650 2020 Leer Más → Assessing knowledge gaps and management needs to cope with barriers for environmental, economic and social sustainability of marine recreational fisheries P. Pita, J. Alós, M. Antelo et al.Frontiers in marine science, 7 2020 Leer Más → Global Participation in and Public Attitudes Toward Recreational Fishing: International Perspectives and Developments R. Arlinghaus, Ø. Aas, J. Alós et al.Reviews in fisheries science & aquaculture, 29 2020 Leer Más → <<1 2 3 45 6 7 8 9 10 >>101