Todos los Años20252024202320222021202020192018201720162015201420132012201120102009200820072006200520042003200220012000 Todos los gruposGrupo de investigación en Biomoleculas marinasEcologia y EvoluciónInvestigación del Cambio GlobalInvestigación Marina en Sistemas Ecológicos y SocialesInteracciones Fisico-Biologicas en el OcéanoMicrobiología del Medio AmbienteTecnologías Marinas, Oceanografía Operacional y Costera Todos los ProyectosADAPTAAQUAREACHAccPosidoniaBIODIV ANTROBALBIODIV COREMARBIODIV ConBoSer-BioBIODIV IBFISHBIODIV OSSOMICSBOSQUE MARINOC-BluesC3S2_520_CNRCALY-2CEREBALCYCLEDEPICTDETECTDIACOMDOORSEBAMAR-PortoC CAIBEFFECTIVEFAST-SWOTFORNELLSFUNLANDFish-PARENTHOODGRASSRECGenAliTrackHOBSHydroPore IIILLOTISLANDLIFELAMARCA-MODSLIFE23-NAT-ES-LIFEOASISMARBEFESMETACIRCLEMETARAORModiFISHOBAMA-NEXTOCEAN CITIZENObsSea4ClimOxigenPHOSYNTAXPHYCOLABPREFISHFARMPRTR EBAMAR-PortoC MRRPRTR EnviroBassPRTR NOISYFLAGPRTR OCEANPATHSPRTR SEAGRASSRESTPRTR SWINTREMARRHODOMEDSHINESMILEVESPAMYou4Blue Artículos Libros Capítulos Quitar Filtros Novel Genes Involved in Resistance to Both Ultraviolet Radiation and Perchlorate From the Metagenomes of Hypersaline Environments M. Lamprecht-Grandío, M. Cortesão, S. Mirete et al.Frontiers in microbiology, 11 2020 Leer Más → High-throughput cultivation of heterotrophic bacteria during a spring phytoplankton bloom in the North Sea C. Alejandre-Colomo, J. Harder, B. Fuchs et al.Systematic and applied microbiology, 43 2020 Leer Más → Advantages outweigh concerns about using genome sequence as type material for prokaryotic taxonomy K. Konstantinidis, R. Rosselló-Móra, R. Amann.Environmental microbiology, 22 2020 Leer Más → Ancestry and adaptive radiation of Bacteroidetes as assessed by comparative genomics R. Munoz, H. Teeling, R. Amann et al.Systematic and applied microbiology, 43 2020 Leer Más → Opinion: Response to concerns about the use of DNA sequences as types in the nomenclature of prokaryotes R. Rossello-Mora, K. Konstantinidis, I. Sutcliffe et al.Systematic and applied microbiology, 43 2020 Leer Más → Plasticizer Degradation by Marine Bacterial Isolates: A Proteogenomic and Metabolomic Characterization R. Wright, R. Bosch, M. Gibson et al.Environmental science & technology, 54 2020 Leer Más → Genomics in bacterial taxonomy: Impact on the genus pseudomonas J. Lalucat, M. Mulet, M. Gomila et al.Genes, 11 2020 Leer Más → Complete mitochondrial genome of the pearly razorfish Xyrichtys novacula: phylogenetic analysis of its placement within the Labridae family M. Barcelo-Serra, J. Pons, T. Viver et al.Mitochondrial dna part b, 5 2020 Leer Más → Distinct ecotypes within a natural haloarchaeal population enable adaptation to changing environmental conditions without causing population sweeps T. Viver, R. Conrad, L. Orellana et al.Isme journal, 2019 Leer Más → <<3 4 5 6 7 89 10 11 12 >>183