Nuestro equipo científico está formado por investigadoras e investigadores que han trabajado con especies invasoras, aquí podéis encontrar algunos artículos de interés. Si os interesa alguno de estos articulo poneros en contacto con nosotr@s.
Caulerpa cylindracea (antes C. racemosa var. cylindracea)
Cebrian, E., & Ballesteros, E. (2009). Temporal and spatial variability in shallow-and deep-water populations of the invasive Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea in the Western Mediterranean. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 83(4), 469-474.
Infantes, E., Terrados, J., & Orfila, A. (2011). Assessment of substratum effect on the distribution of two invasive Caulerpa (Chlorophyta) species. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 91(3), 434-441.
Box, A., Sureda, A., Tauler, P., Terrados, J., Marba, N., Pons, A., & Deudero, S. (2010). Seasonality of caulerpenyne content in native Caulerpa prolifera and invasive C. taxifolia and C. racemosa var. cylindracea in the western Mediterranean Sea. Botanica Marina, 53(4), 367-375.
Box, A., Deudero, S., Sureda, A., Blanco, A., Alòs, J., Terrados, J., … & Riera, F. (2009). Diet and physiological responses of Spondyliosomacantharus (Linnaeus, 1758) to the Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea invasion. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 380(1), 11-19.
Gamundí-Boyeras, I., Terrados, J., & Pérez, M. (2006). Relació entre la presència de l’alga Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea (Sonder) Verlaque, Huisman et Boudouresque i la tipologia del substrat a la Badia de Palma (Mallorca). Bolletí de la Societat d’Història Natural de les Balears, 49, 109-114.
Žuljević A, Thibaut T, Despalatović M, Cottalorda JM, Nikolić V, Cvitković I, Antolić B. (2011) Invasive alga Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea makes a strong impact on the Mediterranean sponge Sarcotragus spinosulus. Biological invasions 13 (10): 2303-2308
Ceccherelli, G. y Campo, D. (2005) Different Effects of Caulerpa racemosa on Two Co-occurring Seagrasses in the Mediterranean. Botanica Marina. Volume 45, Issue 1, Pages 71–76
Caulerpa taxifolia
Boudouresque, C. F., Meinesz, A., Ribera, M. A., & Ballesteros, E. (1995). Spread of the green alga Caulerpa taxifolia (Caulerpales, Chlorophyta) in the Mediterranean: possible consequences of a major ecological event. Scientia marina, 59(S1), 21-29. Infantes, E., Terrados, J., & Orfila, A. (2011). Assessment of substratum effect on the distribution of two invasive Caulerpa (Chlorophyta) species. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 91(3), 434-441. Box, A., Sureda, A., Tauler, P., Terrados, J., Marba, N., Pons, A., & Deudero, S. (2010). Seasonality of caulerpenyne content in native Caulerpa prolifera and invasive C. taxifolia and C. racemosa var. cylindracea in the western Mediterranean Sea. Botanica Marina, 53(4), 367-375. Box, A., Sureda, A., Terrados, J., Pons, A., & Deudero, S. (2008). Antioxidant response and caulerpenyne production of the alien Caulerpa taxifolia (Vahl) epiphytized by the invasive algae Lophocladia lallemandii (Montagne). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 364(1), 24-28. Terrados, J., & Marbà, N. (2006). Is the vegetative development of the invasive chlorophycean, Caulerpa taxifolia, favored in sediments with a high content of organic matter?. Botanica Marina, 49(4), 331-338.
Lophocladia lallemandii
Cebrian, E., & Ballesteros, E. (2010). Invasion of Mediterranean benthic assemblages by red alga Lophocladia lallemandii (Montagne) F. Schmitz: depth-related temporal variability in biomass and phenology. Aquatic botany, 92(2), 81-85. Ballesteros, E., Cebrian, E., & Alcoverro, T. (2007). Mortality of shoots of Posidonia oceanica following meadow invasion by the red alga Lophocladia lallemandii. Botanica marina, 50(1), 8-13. Sureda, A., Box, A., Terrados, J., Deudero, S., & Pons, A. (2008). Antioxidant response of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica when epiphytized by the invasive macroalgae Lophocladia lallemandii. Marine environmental research, 66(3), 359-363. Box, A., Sureda, A., Terrados, J., Pons, A., & Deudero, S. (2008). Antioxidant response and caulerpenyne production of the alien Caulerpa taxifolia (Vahl) epiphytized by the invasive algae Lophocladia lallemandii (Montagne). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 364(1), 24-28.
Invasiones biológicas en el medio marino
Otero, M., Cebrian, E., Francour, P., Galil, B. y Savini, D. (2013). Monitoreo de especies marinas invasoras en áreas marinas protegidas (AMP) del Mediterráneo: Estrategía y guía práctica para gestores. UICN. 136 pág. Descarga aquí. Zenetos, A., Gofas, S., Verlaque, M., Çinar, M. E., Garcia Raso, J. E., Bianchi, C. N., Ballesteros, E. … & Streftaris, N. (2010). Alien species in the Mediterranean Sea by 2010. A contribution to the application of European Union’s Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). Weitzmann, B., Garcia, M., Cebrian, E., & Ballesteros, E. (2009). Les invasions biològiques en el medi marí: exemples i impactes a la Mediterrània Occidental. L’Atzavara, 18, 39-49.
Relaciones bióticas con especies invasoras
Tomás, F., Cebrián, E., & Ballesteros, E. (2011). Differential herbivory of invasive algae by native fish in the Mediterranean Sea. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 92(1), 27-34. Tomas, F., Box, A., & Terrados, J. (2011). Effects of invasive seaweeds on feeding preference and performance of a keystone Mediterranean herbivore. Biological Invasions, 13(7), 1559-1570. Cebrian, E., Ballesteros, E., Linares, C., & Tomas, F. (2011). Do native herbivores provide resistance to Mediterranean marine bioinvasions? A seaweed example. Biological Invasions, 13(6), 1397-1408.