Welcome to the sub-eye page of the Fish Ecology Group at IMEDEA and LIMIA. Here we present the activity of our cabled seafloor observatory located at LIMIA’s facilities, Port d’Andratx. Enjoy!
The Port d’Andratx underwater cabled observatory is a multi-port underwater system that can handle four Ip underwater cameras at a time. It is connected to a land-based station through a voltage cable and fiber optic link to carry digital data. It currently holds two Ip cameras and has an independent temperature and sea-level gauge at the land-base serving real-time data.
The objectives of the system are threefold. Firstly, it aims at providing continuous image files (saved each 15 minutes) that enable the long-term time-series analysis of image-based data. The camera used for this purpose is currently focusing an underwater vessel that attracts biomass in a highly anthropized environment. The Fish Ecology group at IMEDEA develops image-based solutions for estimating ecological parameters of key species within several projects (see the corresponding section in our web). Secondly, it is the objective of the sub-eye to serve as a communication and diffusion tool, through enabling access to real-time video (under construction). Lastly, it aims at constituting an underwater node to record potential changes in species/communities that can be part of a broader community of underwater nodes.
Associated Projects
The DEEP-ECOMAR project (2020-2023), funded by the Government of the Balearic Islands, proposes (1) to develop a reliable tool based on Deep Learning for the unsupervised interpretation of underwater images and (2) to demonstrate its scientific potential in a relevant case study in the context of long-term environmental monitoring strategy.
This project is developed in collaboration with the group TAMI, Treatment and Mathematical Analysis of Images, with whom the images obtained in SUBEYE are being treated.
The IBFISH project (2023-2025), funded by the the Government of the Balearic Islands through the Research and Development Service and the Ministry of European Funds, University, and Culture, as well as by the European Union – Next Generation EU (BIO/002), proposes the development of techniques to monitor changes in the coastal benthic fish community using data obtained from underwater cameras and artificial intelligence. For this purpose, not only the photographs taken by the Subeye system are used, but also the short videos recorded by this system every 15 minutes.
This project is also carried out in collaboration with the TAMI group (Mathematical Treatment and Image Analysis) of the University of the Balearic Islands.
This observatory has been partially financed by the research projects REC2 (CTM2011-23835), PHENOFISH (CTM2015-69126-C2-1-R) from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) and the DEEPECOMAR project (PRD2018 / 26).