Grants and contracts

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Ongoing projects

Past projects

Ongoing projects

EFFECTS OF THE GLOBAL CHANGE ON SMALL ISLAND TROPHIC META-NETWORKS. Financing entity: Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad. Participating entities: CSIC, U. Aarhus U. Coimbra, U. Darmsta.2018-2020
Spanish partner: Anna Traveset.

ECOLOGICAL INTERACTIONS AS MANAGEMENT INDICATORS IN PROTECTEC NATURAL AREAS. Financing entity: CYTED, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, España. Participating entities: CSIC, U. Sevilla, U. Oviedo, U. Jaén, U. Vigo U. Chile , UNAM, U Sao Paulo, CONICET, Bolivia, Ecuador. 2017-2020.
P.I.: Anna Traveset.


FUNGREEN Functional connectivity and green infrastructure. Financed by the European Union (BIODIVERSA PROGRAM- ERANET). 2016-2019
P.I.: Sara Cousins (U. Stockholm)
P.I.; Anna Traveset (Spain)


Past projects


VERMUTIS Importance of simple and double mutualisms plant-vertebrate in islands: doble benefits, doble risks? Financed by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness.2013-2017.
P.I.: Anna Traveset

ECOMETAS. Network of terrestrial ecologists to face the challenges of global change. Financed by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness. 2015-2017.
P.I.: José Miguel Olano (U. Valladolid)

PAYSANDISIA Evaluation of the impact of Paysandisia archon (F. Castniidae, O. Lepidoptera) on Chamaerops humilis L. in Mallorca and experimentation for its possible erradication. Financed by the Department of the Environment of the Balearic Government. 2016-2017.
P.I.: Anna Traveset

POLINIB Construction of a web page on the Pollinators of the Balearic Islands. Financed by the Directorate of Research and Innovation of the Balearic Government 2016-2017.
P.I.: Anna Traveset

Fragility and complexity of mountain ecosystems: pollination networks, microhabitats and vulnerability to climate change of a key species in the community of the Teide volcanic cone. Financed by National Parks Autonomous Agency (OAPN) - Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment 2013-2015.
P.I.: Anna Traveset

Pollination and seed dispersal patterns in mountain sistems in two spanish archipelagos. Financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation 2010-2013.
P.I.: Anna Traveset

Mutualistic networks in the Galápagos Islands. Direct and indirect impacts of invasive species on threatened plants. Financed by the BBVA Foundation  2009-2012.
P.I.: Anna Traveset

Structure of mutualistic networks in insular ecosystems: variation at different scales and determining mechanisms. Financed by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science 2007-2010.
P.I.: Anna Traveset

Ecophysiological processes that limit the capacity of woody Mediterranean species to respond to climate change. Financed by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science 2007-2010. (Research participant)

Past, present and future of pre-Mediterranean plants: between maquis success and relict failure in a global change scenario. Financed by Excellence projects of the Junta de Andalucia. 2010-2012. (Research participant)

Teledetection de invasive species with Image Spectroscopy T(EI)2. Financed by Spanish Ministry of the Environment. 2008-2011. (Research participant). Web Page

Consequences of global change on biotic interactions of plants in mountain ecosystems. Financed by CYTED, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 2009-2013. (Research participant)

Do all endangered species hold the same value?: origin and conservation of living fossils of flowering plants endemic to Spain. Financed by FGCSIC. 2010-2013. (Research participant)

Interactive effects of climate change and the fragmentation of woody species characteristic of temperate rain forest in Chile. Financied by LINCGLOBAL (CSIC - U.CATÓLICA DE CHILE). 2009-. (Research participant)

Evolution of plant-animal relationships: endemic species from the south of the Iberian penninsula

Insular biogeography and  neoevolution: new Fundamentals for  the management of natural resources in Spanish islands

Islands, biogeography and phylogenesis, towards an ecological synthesis

Pleistocene Vertebrate Fauna from Eivissa (Pityusic Islands) Western Mediterranean Sea

Ecological and historical factors that affect the biodiversity of the islands

Ecological and physiological factors that influence the distribution and abundance of plants. A comparison between threatened species and those with a wide distribution

Ecological and physiological factors that influence the distribution and abundant of threatened endemic plants in the Balearic islands

Improving the technology of obtainance, storing, germination and seed use of wild species used in reforestation and re-vegetation plans in the Valencian Community

Exotic Plant Invasions: deleterious effects in Mediterranean island ecosystems

Consequences of the disruption of mutualistic plant-animal relationships caused by the introduction of exotic species to island ecosystems

Comparative study of two species of Cneoraceae showing isolated distributions in Spain and Cuba

Impact of exotic herbivores for the vegetated communities of Cabrera National Park: degradation umbrals, risk analysis and integrated management plans

Biological determinantes and risks of invasive vegetations. The role of plant-animal relationships

The role of the plant-animal mutualistic relationships in the maintenance of biodiversity

Biology and conservation of Paeonia cambessedesii in Menorca

Genetic diversity studies of Daphne rodriguezii in Menorca

Network for the monitoring of global change and biodiversity in Mediterranean forest ecosystems

Ecophysiological study of two Mediterranean shrubs as indicador species in the Mediterranean for global change in the Balearic islands

Integration of factors that afect the costal dynamic in Alucudia Bay. Towards a sustainable development of the Mallorcan coastline

Ecophysiological processes that limit the capacity of woody Mediterranean species to respond to climate change

State and conservation Thymelaea velutina and Cneorum tricoccon in Menorca

Biodiversity and conservation in natural terrestrial areas in Palma Bay Beach System