Prestation Microchemistry_en


The chemical microcomposition of biogenic carbonates is determined using high spatial resolution methodologies and precise analytical techniques.

The quantification of the chemical microcomposition of calcified tissues requires a specific infrastructure that allows the preparation and analysis of the samples. The Service of Sclerochronology of the IMEDEA (CSIC-UIB) has the required infrastructure and material for the initial preparation of samples (inclusion, cutting and polishing) under ultra-clean conditions, precision scales and optical and digital equipment for observation. It also has a superficial microdrill system for extracting samples at high spatial resolution, depending on the growth rates of the organism, it could be close to a week (Micromill, NewWave Research).

Thanks to a specific collaboration agreement between the Service of Sclerochronology of the IMEDEA (CSIC-UIB) and the SAI of the Universidade de A Coruña, there is a personalized  access to the Plasma-Mass Spectrometry Unit (determination of trace metals in solution and by laser ablation (LA-ICPMS)) and to the Instrumental Analysis Techniques Unit (determination of d13C, d15N and d18O).

Finally, the Service has human and technical capacity for the evaluation and analysis of the results in order to resolve the scientific issues raised.

This Prestation Microchemistry includes 7 different Variants with differentiated rates that cover all the specific objectives to be addressed:

Dissolution-ICPMS Whole Preparation: specific cleaning and weighing of whole samples

Micromill Preparation and Extraction: sample preparation and micromilling with the scope to obtain powder that will be analysed by different techniques

SI-IRMS Whole Preparation and Pulverization: sample preparation of whole samples and  pulverization for (external) stable isotope determination

LA-ICPMS Preparation: sample preparation for LA-ICPMS analysis

LA-ICPMS Analysis Transect Spots: determintation of the chemical composition by LA-ICPMS doing a lineal transect of indepenedent spots

LA-ICPMS Analysis Short Line (<1.5mm)/Isolated Spots: determination of the chemical composition by LA-ICPMS doing a line shorter than 1.5 mm length or isolated spots

LA ICPMS Analysis Long Line (>1.5 mm): determination of the chemical composition by LA-ICPMS doing a line longer than 1.5 mm length