Marine Forest

The REE Marine Forest is a research contract signed between Red Eléctrica de España and IMEDEA (CSIC-UIB) in which we have transplanted 13,400 fragments of Posidonia oceanica . The replanting occupies two hectares of the Bay of Pollença, in the north of Mallorca, and is buoyed up to avoid anchoring.

In this project, we perform an annual monitoring to evaluate the survival and growth of the transplants. As well as the associated invertebrate community.

The planting works lasted between 2018 and 2020. After 40 months of planting, the survival of the fragments is high (>90%). However, there is not net growth of shoots in the transplants . The project has been extended until 2025 to continue monitoring and obtain robust data on the evolution of the restoration and the associated ecological funcitons.