IMEDEA Calendar
Vie 14th Jul
10:30 am
11:30 am
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Vie 14th Jul
11:00 am
12:00 pm

Doctoral thesis defense: "Diagnosing 3D ocean fine-scale dynamics: towards the integration of models, remote-sensing and in-situ observations through deep-learning and variational approaches"  by Eugenio Cutolo.

July 14, 2023

11 a.m.

IMEDEA's Seminar Room (first floor) 

Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies, Esporles


The court will be composed of: 

Bruno Buongiorno Nardelli, CNR, President.

Aida Alvera Azcárate, U. Liege, Secretary. 

Vincent Combes, IMEDEA(CSIC-UIB), Vocal.

IMEDEA's Seminar Room
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Vie 14th Jul
4:00 pm
5:00 pm

Martina Martorell Barceló will present "Chronotypes - Personality Behavioural Syndromes in a Wild Marine Fish", a 30' speak. You can check the abstract here

Afterwards, there will be soft drinks and beers for all attendees.

This cycle of seminars aims at sharing the research carried out at the institute to all members and visitors. PhD candidates, MSc students and junior postdocs are particularly encouraged to participate in the seminars, which will also offer an opportunity to foster their communication skills.


Sala de seminarios IMEDEA
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Jue 7th Sep
11:00 am
12:00 pm

Tenim el plaer de convidar-vos a la defensa de la tesi doctoral amb títol "Ecology and management of the common dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus) in a warming Mediterranean", que serà defensada per D. Vicenç Moltó Seguí. La tesi ha estat dirigida pels Drs. Ignasi Catalán (IMEDEA), Francisco Alemany (ICCAT) i Andrés Ospina (IMEDEA).

La defensa tendrà lloc dia 7 de setembre a les 11:00 a la Sala de Graus de l'edifici Antoni Maria Alcover i Sureda, UIB.

Hi podeu accedir en remot en aquest enllaç.

Hi podeu accedir al resum en aquest enllaç.

Campus UIB: Sala de Graus de l'edifici Antoni Maria Alcover i Sureda
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Mar 12th Sep
9:00 am
1:00 pm
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Jue 14th Sep
10:00 am
11:00 am

Presentació de Treball de fi de Màster 


Alumna:  Elisabet Verger Miralles 


Títol Treball: Mesoscale ocean structure reconstruction through data collection and analysis in the framework of the FAST-SWOT project 


Directors: Dres. Ananda Pascual Ascaso i Bárbara Barceló Llull (IMEDEA), ponent UIB: Angel M. Amores Maimó 


Data: Dijous 14 Setembre 2023    10h    

Lloc:  Aula 04b, Ed. Antoni Maria Alcover i Sureda (CEP)


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Vie 22nd Sep
4:00 am
4:30 am
IMEDEA'S Seminars Room
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Vie 29th Sep
6:15 pm
11:00 pm
Parc de La Mar
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Sáb 30th Sep
6:00 pm
11:00 pm
Caixa Forum Palma
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Vie 6th Oct
4:00 pm
4:30 pm

Linus Walter's Seminar: «Bridging the Gap between Scarse Observation Points: Combining Data and Physics via Machine Learning for Modelling Groundwater Flow.»

IMEDEA'S Seminars Room


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IMEDEA'S Seminars Room
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