IMEDEA Calendar
Vie 15th Mar
4:00 pm
4:30 pm


Innovación a través de Datos: Bienvenida al Data Lab" tiene como objetivo presentar el Data Lab del IMEDEA, un nuevo servicio diseñado para apoyar a nuestros equipos de investigación mediante el análisis avanzado de datos y la Inteligencia Artificial. En esta sesión, exploraremos las motivaciones detrás de la creación del Data Lab, detallaremos los servicios y prestaciones que ofrece, y compartiremos ejemplos concretos de proyectos en los que el Data Lab ya está marcando una diferencia significativa. Además, proporcionaremos información sobre cómo los investigadores pueden acceder a estos recursos y colaborar con nosotros para potenciar sus investigaciones.


Link to the video here

Sala de Seminarios del IMEDEA, Esporles
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Vie 22nd Mar
4:00 pm
4:30 pm


Marine macrophyte ecosystems are considered as a fundamental habitat throughout the world. However, these communities are seriously threatened by the continuous increase in anthropogenic activities and are highly vulnerable to the pressures derived from global change.

This has led to an increased interest in restoration, and in assessing different factors that may promote their recovery and resilience. In seagrasses, firsts life stages (seeds and seedlings) can be critical when determining the natural recovery of the ecosystem. In this sense, identifying the factors that positively influence the development and establishment of these early stages, particularly considering future stressors, is essential for ecosystem conservation and restoration. The study of microbiome can be a determining factor to understand the functionality and resilience of marine ecosystems. Although the study of seagrass microbiomes is still in its early stages, the beneficial effect of microorganisms has already been described in terrestrial plants, so this study aims to evaluate the influence of microbiome on germination and development of C. nodosa seeds.


To test the hypothesis that the presence of certain microorganisms influences the development of seagrass, a manipulative factorial experiment was carried out in the laboratory using C. nodosa seeds. Six treatments from the interaction between two factors were examined: (1) sterilization (or not) of the seeds and (2) sediment type (sediment from vegetated environments, sediment from non-vegetated environments or artificial sediment). Germination success was strongly influenced by the presence of the seed microbiome, and sediment type (and thus soil microbiome) also influenced germination and seed development. These results are important to understand natural drivers of seagrass germination success and to consider for restoration techniques.

Sala de Seminarios del IMEDEA, Esporles
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Mar 9th Abr
2:00 pm
4:00 pm
Curso Base Programacion
Sala reuniones 3
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Jue 11th Abr
2:00 pm
4:00 pm
Curso Base Programacion
Sala reuniones 3
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Vie 12th Abr
11:30 am
12:00 pm


Geothermal energy is the cleanest and the most reliable source of renewable energy when compared to other options like solar or wind. From lighting up 5 bulbs in Italy in 1904, electricity generation from geothermal energy sources has come a long way to a total capacity of 16,355 MW (0.5% of total) by the end of 2023, most of which coming from hydrothermal reservoirs. In order to accelerate the scaling of electricity generation, Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) in non-volcanic areas need to be developed. Creating these EGS requires enhancing the permeability of natural fractures through a process called hydraulic stimulation. A natural outcome of this process is microseismicity (usually Mw<2), but in a few occasions, there have been earthquakes of greater magnitude (e.g., Mw 3.4 and Mw 5.5 at Basel (Switzerland) and Pohang (Korea Republic), respectively) which were very disturbing and ended up with project cancellation. Hydraulic stimulation operations are usually designed making use of a scaling law which states that the maximum magnitude of induced earthquakes is linearly proportional to the total volume of water injected into the system. Our numerical studies on hydraulic stimulation in EGS show that the injection protocol has a stronger contribution to the maximum magnitude earthquake over the total volume of injected water.


Sala de Seminarios del IMEDEA, Esporles
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Lun 15th Abr
to Lun 22nd Abr

PREREGISTRO al Curso de Buceo Científico 2024 abierto:

Se anuncia que el preregistro al curso de buceo científico 2024 está abierto a partir del 05 de marzo hasta el 13 de marzo.

Enlace al formulario de registro:

Fechas del curso: 15 al 23 de Abril (excluyendo el fin de semana)

Tasa de registro / precio del curso: 350€

Número de plazas: 18 (se seleccionarán los candidatos con mejores criterios, serán informados via mail después del cierre del preregistro, hasta el 18 de marzo.)

Preguntas a: o 971611716


IMEDEA y Puerto de Pollença
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Dom 21st Abr
5:00 pm
6:00 pm

Cuenta cuentos científico para peques: Celebramos Sant Jordi en la Biblioteca Municipal de Esporles

El lunes 22 a las 17 h, en colaboración con la biblioteca municipal de Esporles, realizaremos la lectura del cuento infantil "Posidonia, la dama de la mar", de Harold Jimenez Canizales. Este precioso libro ilustrado combina la fantasía literaria con los principios científicos de la conservación marina, transportando a los más pequeños a un viaje único en el que la complejidad de los impactos que afectan a la Posidonia oceanica, la curiosidad y el aprendizaje se entrelazan de manera positiva y encantadora. 

Al finalizar la lectura ¡continua la acción! Como ya es costumbre en la biblioteca, los más peques podrán desarrollar sus destrezas artísticas en el taller de manualidades relacionado con el cuento. 

Lunes 22 de abril

17:00 H

Biblioteca Municipal d'Esporles, C/ de Ramon Llull, 3. Esporles (web)

Actividad gratuita

Biblioteca Municipal d'Esporles, C/ de Ramon Llull, 3. Esporles
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Lun 22nd Abr
2:00 pm
4:00 pm
Curso Base Programacion
Sala reuniones 3
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Jue 25th Abr
2:00 pm
4:00 pm
Curso Base Programacion
Sala reuniones 3
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Vie 26th Abr
12:00 pm
12:30 pm


The generation and propagation of waves towards the coastal regions during storm events can substantially increase coastal hazards associated with extreme sea levels. While the Mediterranean Sea is characterized by a fetch-limited environment, the progression of extra-tropical cyclones over its surface often engenders powerful waves. As climate numerical models consistently converge towards a global warming climate over the past few decades, the present wave climate is expected to undergo alterations. However, the reliability of the model projections differ among climate variables, exhibiting for instance higher confidence in the temperature than in precipitation variables. This study investigates future changes in the wave climate across the Mediterranean region using an extensive ensemble of wave numerical simulations.

These simulations were forced with wind fields from thirty-one GCM-RCMs (general circulation - regional climate models) of the European Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment (EURO-CORDEX), integrating WaveWatch III and SCHISM numerical models. Future changes in the mean and intense (quantile 0.95) wave climate of significant wave height (Hs), peak wave period (Tp), peak wave direction (Dp) are assessed. Furthermore, we evaluate changes in 100-year return levels of Hs toward the end of the century. Extreme events from each GCM-RCM are aggregated into a single coherent distribution, following a bias correction procedure assuming the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of extreme events to adhere to either a parametric Gumbel or Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) CDF, individually for each model. Return levels are then computed by fitting a GEV distribution to the unified distribution for both historical and future periods.

Our findings reveal an intensification of extreme waves towards the end of the century in several areas of the Mediterranean basin. Despite limitations inherent to bias-correction methods and return level computation, our study underscores the contrasting outcomes between analyzing the entire statistical distribution versus focusing solely on the tail, emphasizing the importance of considering both aspects in wave climate projections.


Sala de Seminarios del IMEDEA, Esporles
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Mar 30th Abr
10:30 am
1:30 pm

Entrega de premios de los proyectos ganadores del certamen "Ocean Odyssey Challenge” del proyecto Ocean Night. 

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Jue 2nd May
10:00 am
11:00 am
Sala de seminarios IMEDEA
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Vie 3rd May
12:00 pm
1:00 pm


Sunlight drives virtually all life on the Earth’s surface, with about 50% of primary productivity occurring in marine systems. Yet, this traditional view of phototrophy changed radically with the discovery of marine bacterial rhodopsins (i.e., proteorhodopsins; PR), over twenty years ago. PRs are simple light-driven proton pumps present in over 80% of surface bacterioplankton, which allow them to transform light into biochemical energy.

Combining culture-based physiology studies with (meta)-genomics, (meta)-transcriptomics, and environmental quantifications we are just starting to understand the role that PR-based photoheterotrophy plays in the ocean. In this presentation, I will discuss the knowns and unknowns of PR-phototrophy and what we are starting to learn from looking at its natural distributions in different oceanographic basins, ranging from extreme ultraoligotrophic regions to high productivity environments

Sala de seminarios IMEDEA
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