Internal Cycle of Seminars at IMEDEA (CISI) consist on a cycle of seminar presentations given mainly by doctoral students, masters and junior postdocs, although it is not closed to other staff, such as visitors and staff, that take place every Friday from 12:00 p.m. to 12:30 p.m in the seminar room os IMEDEA.
This represents a great opportunity to learn more about the research carried out at the Institute and to bring those with less experience , the chance of increasing their presentation and public speaking skills. Afterwards, there will be coffee and some biscuits 😉 We strongly encourage you to participate. Join us!
Previous Seminars
Internal Cycle of Seminars IMEDEA - Andrea Santangeli - «Project SURVIVALIST: SURVIVAL In Space and Time: Identifying mortality bottlenecks along the annual cycle of vultures.»
Understanding the extent of animal mortality, the where and when mortality occurs, is paramount to implement effective conservation actions and secure the persistence of animal populations. Unfortunately, so far our understanding of animal survival (which is the inverse of mortality) is very limited, even for well-studied species such as vultures. Project SURVIVALIST has the ambitious objective of filling this knowledge gap for three European vultures (Griffon, Cinereous and Bearded vulture). Based on a large collaborative network, SURVIVALIST collated a uniquely large dataset (including >1400 vulture individuals across the three species) of high-resolution vulture tracking data. These data are analysed using novel approaches to quantify survival in time across the species annual cycle (e.g. during the breeding and non-breeding season) and life-stages (juvenile, immature, adults; Objective 1). Survival variation for each species is then mapped across space by integrating survival modeling with space use from the tracking data, to identify hotspots of vulture mortality (Objective 2).
Link to the video here