Internal Cycle of Seminars at IMEDEA (CISI) consist on a cycle of seminar presentations given mainly by doctoral students, masters and junior postdocs, although it is not closed to other staff, such as visitors and staff, that take place every Friday from 12:00 p.m. to 12:30 p.m in the seminar room os IMEDEA.

This represents a great opportunity to learn more about the research carried out at the Institute and to bring those with less experience , the chance of increasing their presentation and public speaking skills. Afterwards, there will be coffee and some biscuits  😉 We strongly encourage you to participate. Join us!

Do you want to participate with a presentation? Please contact the organising team:

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Seminarios destacados
Internal Cycle of Seminars IMEDEA - Laia Illa - «Pushing the limits: Thermotolerance experiment on rhodoliths.»
Abstract In the Western Mediterranean Sea, vast extensions of rhodolith beds hold significant ecological value. These habitats are composed of free-living species of red coralline algae which are ecosystem engineers. The calcareous composition of rhodolith species makes them susceptible to climate change impacts, mainly to seawater acidification. Mediterranean rhodolith beds are multispecific habitats found from 60 up to 100 m below the surface, a deeper distribution that likely provides a more stable environment with fewer fluctuations in warming. However, there are gaps of knowledge on the responses of this multi-specific habitat to different disturbances. In this regard, we have focused on untangle the performance of two genera of rhodoliths along a thermal gradient, specifically of Lithothamium spp. and Phymatholiton spp.. Measurements of dissolved oxygen and total alkalinity during the experiment allowed the calculation of metabolic rates. The thermal patterns and optimal temperatures for metabolic rates displayed by both genera were similar. These genera inhabit areas with mean yearly temperatures of 15°C and little temperature variation. However, both genera seem to be acclimated to a warmer range of temperature. Our findings suggest that Mediterranean rhodoliths genera are likely to cope with ocean warming.  Link to the video here

Previous Seminars

Internal Cycle of Seminars IMEDEA - Fiona Tomas-Nash - «Sex or no sex under stress? Unprecedented widespread unique reproductive behaviour of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica after a marine heat wave»



Warming can have dramatic effects on plant phenology and reproduction, with important consequences for reproductive output, plant survivorship, or species dispersal. In seagrasses, vegetative growth through clonal expansion is generally the dominant strategy for meadow maintenance, expansion and recovery, with sexual reproduction strongly differing amongst species, being rare for some, and some times associated with disturbance. Even rarer is the occurrence of pseudovivipary, an uncommon phenomenon in the plant realm, which has only been reported twice before in the marine environment as highly localized phenomena associated with environmental stress. Pseudovivipary is an asexual reproduction strategy whereby plantlets replace sexual reproductive structures, leading to the maintenance of the maternal clones. In summer of 2022, the Mediterranean Sea underwent unprecedented warming, and, associated with it, we observed extensive flowering (100% of sites) as well as pseudovivipary across numerous (>85 % of 36 sites) Posidonia oceanica meadows along the Balearic Islands. Our results support the notion that P. oceanica flowering is triggered under high warming but also, and importantly, this is the first time ever that pseudovivipary is reported across so many locations in a marine plant, and the fate of these plantlets is being monitored by assessing development, survivorship and dispersal through time. Considering the negative impacts that warming can have on seagrass ecosystems, the discovery of widespread pseudovivipary is a critical aspect to consider for understanding mechanisms of resilience in seagrasses.

Link to the video here