IMEDEA Calendar
Vie 14th Feb
12:00 pm
12:30 pm


Pollination is an essential process for maintaining biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, as 87.5% of the flowering plants and one third of the human diet depend on it. However, this essential ecosystem service is severely threatened by pollinator losses, raising important challenges for biodiversity conservation and crop production. Among the many threats to wild pollinators today, land-use changes have been identified as one of the main causes of pollinator declines, and this effect is expected to be accentuated in the following decades as human population increases. I will present the studies conducted in my group to understand how landscape modifications related to land-use changes affect plant and pollinator communities, the structure of plant-pollinator interactions and the provision of pollination services to crops and wild plants. The results of these studies have important implications for the sustainability of anthropized landscapes and for the conservation of pollinators as a key ecosystem service.

Sala de Seminarios del IMEDEA, Esporles
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Vie 14th Feb
12:00 pm
12:30 pm


Pollination is an essential process for maintaining biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, as 87.5% of the flowering plants and one third of the human diet depend on it. However, this essential ecosystem service is severely threatened by pollinator losses, raising important challenges for biodiversity conservation and crop production. Among the many threats to wild pollinators today, land-use changes have been identified as one of the main causes of pollinator declines, and this effect is expected to be accentuated in the following decades as human population increases. I will present the studies conducted in my group to understand how landscape modifications related to land-use changes affect plant and pollinator communities, the structure of plant-pollinator interactions and the provision of pollination services to crops and wild plants. The results of these studies have important implications for the sustainability of anthropized landscapes and for the conservation of pollinators as a key ecosystem service.

Sala de Seminarios del IMEDEA, Esporles
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Mié 5th Mar
11:00 am
12:00 pm

El miércoles 5 de marzo, a las 11:00 h, únete a nuestro directo en YouTube en el que reflexionaremos sobre el artículo "Ten simple rules for a mom-friendly Academia".  

Conectaremos con las autoras del artículo, quienes compartirán datos y experiencias para analizar afirmaciones clave sobre los retos que enfrentan las madres en la academia, de una manera dinámica e interactiva a través de un juego de afirmaciones verdaderas o falsas. 

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