Seminar: Oceanographic Turtles: Ocean monitoring platforms for conservation and dynamic ocean management


  • Speaker: David March, Postdoctoral Researcher at SOCIB.









Esporles, April 18, 2018. Oceanographic Turtles project aims to provide the scientific basis to support the development of risk mitigation techniques based on new ocean observing and forecasting systems and contribute to the conservation of marine turtles.



The project addresses the role of operational ecology in the dynamic ocean management using the loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) in the western Mediterranean Sea as case study.



More specifically, we assess the integration of satellite tracking of sea turtles with Ocean observing systems (OOS) following a two-way approach:


1) OOS contribute to ecological studies by providing biophysical information to assess the influence of oceanographic variability on animal movement.


2) Sea turtles contribute to OOS providing complementary vertical profiles of oceanographic data.



Our case study highlights how this approach offers a win-win situation for animal ecology and oceanography.




Date and Time: Wednesday, April 25, 12:00h

Place: IMEDEA Seminar Room