Seminar: Dense CTD survey versus glider fleet sampling: comparing data assimilation performance in a regional ocean model west of Sardinia


  • Speaker: Jaime Hernandez, SOCIB







Esporles, October 9, 2018. 


The REP14-MED sea trial carried out off the west coast of Sardinia in June 2014 provided a rich set of observations from both ship-based conductivity– temperature–depth (CTD) probes and a fleet of underwater gliders.



We present the results of several simulations assimilating data either from CTDs or from different subsets of glider data, including up to eight vehicles, in addition to satellite sea level anomalies, surface temperature and Argo profiles.



The Western Mediterranean OPperational forcasting system (WMOP) regional ocean model is used with a local multi-model ensemble optimal interpolation scheme to recursively ingest both lower-resolution large-scale and dense local observations over the whole sea trial duration.



Results show the capacity of the system to ingest both types of data, leading to improvements in the representation of all assimilated variables.



An evaluation of the forecasts is performed using independent measurements from shipborne CTDs and a towed ScanFish deployed at the end of the sea trial.





Date and Time: Tuesday, October 9, 12:00-13:00h

Place: IMEDEA Seminar Room