Seminar: The bluefin tuna project: Linking environmental variability and early life dynamics for the sustainability of tuna species in the Mediterranean


  • Speaker: Diego Alvarez Berastegui, SOCIB







Esporles, October 17, 2018. 


The Bluefin Tuna project is a joint research initiative involving institutions with expertise in ecology of tuna species and environmental variability (SOCIB, IEO, IMEDEA, NOAA).



The main objectives of the Project are twofold, first, to understand the inter-annual variability of Bluefin Tuna spawning and larval habitats, and second, the application of operational oceanography to the conservation and management of tuna species in the Balearic Sea.



The main activities have focused on the study of the relations between mesoscale oceanography in the Balearic Sea and the early life stages of bluefin tuna.



From this knowledge we develop predictive models of spawning and larval habitats using the different SOCIB observing systems.



This information is then applied to improve direct assessment of the westerns stock of bluefin tuna in the framework of ICCAT, developing various indices providing information about relevant parameters such the spawning stock biomass or the inter-annual larval survival potential.




Date and Time: Wednesday, October 18, 12:00-13:00h

Place: IMEDEA Seminar Room