Todos los Años20252024202320222021202020192018201720162015201420132012201120102009200820072006200520042003200220012000 Todos los gruposGrupo de investigación en Biomoleculas marinasEcologia y EvoluciónInvestigación del Cambio GlobalInvestigación Marina en Sistemas Ecológicos y SocialesInteracciones Fisico-Biologicas en el OcéanoMicrobiología del Medio AmbienteTecnologías Marinas, Oceanografía Operacional y Costera Todos los ProyectosADAPTAAQUAREACHAccPosidoniaBIODIV ANTROBALBIODIV COREMARBIODIV ConBoSer-BioBIODIV IBFISHBIODIV OSSOMICSBOSQUE MARINOC-BluesC3S2_520_CNRCALY-2CEREBALCYCLEDEPICTDETECTDIACOMDOORSEBAMAR-PortoC CAIBEFFECTIVEFAST-SWOTFORNELLSFUNLANDFish-PARENTHOODGRASSRECGenAliTrackHOBSHydroPore IIILLOTISLANDLIFELAMARCA-MODSLIFE23-NAT-ES-LIFEOASISMARBEFESMETACIRCLEMETARAORModiFISHOBAMA-NEXTOCEAN CITIZENObsSea4ClimOxigenPHOSYNTAXPHYCOLABPREFISHFARMPRTR EBAMAR-PortoC MRRPRTR EnviroBassPRTR NOISYFLAGPRTR OCEANPATHSPRTR SEAGRASSRESTPRTR SWINTREMARRHODOMEDSHINESMILEVESPAMYou4Blue Artículos Libros Capítulos Quitar Filtros Publicaciones de: Giacomo Tavecchia Coping with ocean dynamics: Foraging strategy and implications for conservation of a small petrel S Bolumar-Roda, A Rotger, A Santangeli et al.Biological conservation, 302 2025 Leer Más → Individual choices of wintering areas drive adult survival heterogeneity in a long-lived seabird M. Genovart, R. Ramos, J.M. Igual et al.Ecology and evolution, 14 2024 Leer Más → Spatial variation of mercury contamination in yellow-legged gulls (Larus michahellis) in the Western Mediterranean L. Patier, P. Bustamante, K. McCoy et al.Environmental pollution, 362 2024 Leer Más → Population genetics and phylogeographic history of the insular lizard Podarcis lilfordi (Gunther, 1874) from the Balearic Islands based on genome-wide polymorphic data K. Otalora, J.L. Riera, G. Tavecchia et al.Ecology and evolution, 14 2024 Leer Más → Demographic approaches for assessing the conservation status of Scopoli’s Shearwater Calonectris diomedea and the Balearic Shearwater Puffinus mauretanicus M. Genovart, J.M. Arcos, S. Catchot et al.Revista catalana d'ornitologia, 39 2024 Leer Más → Playing “hide and seek” with the Mediterranean monk seal: a citizen science dataset reveals its distribution from molecular traces (eDNA) E. Valsecchi, G. Tavecchia, G. Boldrocchi et al.Scientific reports, 13 2023 Leer Más → Gulls contribute to olive seed dispersal within and among islands in a Mediterranean coastal area H. Ando, V. Martín-Vélez, G. Tavecchia et al.Journal of biogeography, 2023 Leer Más → Model projections reveal a recent decrease in a yellow-legged gull population after landfill closure. S. Delgado, G. Tavecchia, A. Herrero et al.European journal of wildlife research, 69 2023 Leer Más → The relative role of local temperature in the winter occurrence of woodcock Scolopax rusticola in the northern Iberian Peninsula N. Prieto, J. Arizaga, E. Iriarte et al.European journal of wildlife research, 69 2023 Leer Más → <<12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 >>111