Todos los Años20252024202320222021202020192018201720162015201420132012201120102009200820072006200520042003200220012000 Todos los gruposGrupo de investigación en Biomoleculas marinasEcologia y EvoluciónInvestigación del Cambio GlobalInvestigación Marina en Sistemas Ecológicos y SocialesInteracciones Fisico-Biologicas en el OcéanoMicrobiología del Medio AmbienteTecnologías Marinas, Oceanografía Operacional y Costera Todos los ProyectosADAPTAAQUAREACHAccPosidoniaBIODIV ANTROBALBIODIV COREMARBIODIV ConBoSer-BioBIODIV IBFISHBIODIV OSSOMICSBOSQUE MARINOC-BluesC3S2_520_CNRCALY-2CEREBALCYCLEDEPICTDETECTDIACOMDOORSEBAMAR-PortoC CAIBEFFECTIVEFAST-SWOTFORNELLSFUNLANDFish-PARENTHOODGRASSRECGenAliTrackHOBSHydroPore IIILLOTISLANDLIFELAMARCA-MODSLIFE23-NAT-ES-LIFEOASISMARBEFESMETACIRCLEMETARAORModiFISHOBAMA-NEXTOCEAN CITIZENObsSea4ClimOxigenPHOSYNTAXPHYCOLABPREFISHFARMPRTR EBAMAR-PortoC MRRPRTR EnviroBassPRTR NOISYFLAGPRTR OCEANPATHSPRTR SEAGRASSRESTPRTR SWINTREMARRHODOMEDSHINESMILEVESPAMYou4Blue Artículos Libros Capítulos Quitar Filtros Global hake production and trade: Insights for food security and supply chain resilience A. Ospina-Alvarez, G. Aragão, L. López-López et al.Npj ocean sustainability, 3 2024 Leer Más → The biophysical dynamics of giant kelp, Macrocystis pyrifera: Seasonal patterns and dispersal mechanisms in the southeast Pacific G. Thompson-Saud, A. Grech, S. Choukroun et al.Journal of biogeography, 00 2024 Leer Más → Increasing spread rates of tropical non-native macrophytes in the Mediterranean Sea M. Wesselmann, I.E. Hendriks, M. Johnson et al.Global change biology, 30 2024 Leer Más → The connection between Submarine Groundwater Discharge and seawater quality: The threat of treated wastewater injected into coastal aquifers A. Alorda-Kleinglass, V. Rodellas, M. Diego-Feliu et al.Science of the total environment, 922 2024 Leer Más → Evaluating the extent and impact of the extreme Storm Gloria on Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadows C. Marco-Méndez, N. Marbà, Á. Amores et al.Science of the total environment, 908 2024 Leer Más → A sensitivity analysis of mussel larvae dispersal in a Danish estuary based on a biophysical model A. Pastor, A. Ospina-Alvarez, J. Larsen et al.Regional studies in marine science, 68 2023 Leer Más → Population genomics unveils the century-old invasion of the Seagrass Halophila stipulacea in the Mediterranean Sea C.A. García-Escudero, C.S. Tsigenopoulos, T. Manousaki et al.Marine biology, 171 2023 Leer Más → The blue carbon of southern southwest Atlantic salt marshes and their biotic and abiotic drivers P. Martinetto, J. Alberti, M.E. Becherucci et al.Nature communications, 14 2023 Leer Más →