Todos los Años2024202320222021202020192018201720162015201420132012201120102009200820072006200520042003200220012000 Todos los gruposGrupo de investigación en Biomoleculas marinasEcologia y EvoluciónInvestigación del Cambio GlobalInteracciones Fisico-Biologicas en el OcéanoInvestigación Marina en Sistemas Ecológicos y SocialesMicrobiología del Medio AmbienteTecnologías Marinas, Oceanografía Operacional y Costera Todos los ProyectosADAPTABIODIV ANTROBALBIODIV COREMARBIODIV ConBoSer-BioBIODIV IBFISHBIODIV OSSOMICSBOSQUE MARINOC-BluesCALY-2CEREBALCO2SINkCYCLEDEPICTDETECTDIACOMDOORSEBAMAR-PortoC CAIBEFFECTIVEFAST-SWOTGEoRESTGRASSRECHOBSHydroPore IIINTERTUNAISLANDLIFELAMARCA-MODSLINKFLAGELLAMACOBIOSMARBEFESMETACIRCLEMETARAORMYGENOMAManyFISHESOBAMA-NEXTOCEAN CITIZENObsSea4ClimPHYMOTPINNARCAPOLINISLASPRTR EBAMAR-PortoC MRRPRTR EnviroBassPRTR HABSYSPRTR NOISYFLAGPRTR OCEANPATHSPRTR SEAFRONTPRTR SEAGRASSRESTPRTR SWINTPRTR Tech2CoastREMARSHAKESHINESMILEYou4Blue Artículos Libros Capítulos Quitar Filtros Towards estimating the number of strains that make up a natural bacterial population T. Viver, R. Conrad, L. Rodriguez-R et al.Nature communications, 15 2024 Leer Más → Impact of dilution on stochastically driven methanogenic microbial communities of hypersaline anoxic sediments F. Font-Verdera, R. Liébana, R. Rossello-Mora et al.Fems microbiology ecology, 99 2023 Leer Más → Aromatic compounds depurative and plant growth promotion rhizobacteria abilities of Allenrolfea vaginata (Amaranthaceae) rhizosphere microbial communities from a solar saltern hypersaline soil G. Rodriguez-Valdecantos, F. Torres-Rojas, S. Muñoz-Echeverria et al.Frontiers in microbiology, 14 2023 Leer Más → Food determines ephemerous and non-stable gut microbiome communities in juvenile wild and farmed Mediterranean fish T. Viver, A. Ruiz, E. Bertomeu et al.Science of the total environment, 889 2023 Leer Más → Description of two cultivated and two uncultivated new Salinibacter species, one named following the rules of the bacteriological code: Salinibacter grassmerensis sp. nov.; and three named following the rules of the SeqCode: Salinibacter pepae sp. nov., Salinibacter abyssi sp. nov., and Salinibacter pampae sp. nov. T. Viver, R. Conrad, M. Lucio et al.Systematic and applied microbiology, 46 2023 Leer Más → Stutzerimonas decontaminans sp. nov. isolated from marine polluted sediments M. Mulet, M. Gomila, J. Lalucat et al.Systematic and applied microbiology, 46 2023 Leer Más → Microbial Motility at the Bottom of North America: Digital Holographic Microscopy and Genomic Motility Signatures in Badwater Spring, Death Valley National Park C. Snyder, J. Centlivre, S. Bhute et al.Astrobiology, 23 2023 Leer Más → Guidelines for interpreting the International Code of Nomenclature of Prokaryotes and for preparing a Request for an Opinion D. Arahal, C. Bull, H. Busse et al.International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology, 73 2023 Leer Más → The Arabidopsis holobiont: a (re)source of insights to understand the amazing world of plant–microbe interactions M.J. Poupin, T. Ledger, Rosselló-Mora R. et al.Environmental microbiome, 18 2023 Leer Más → <<12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 >>179