IMEDEA Calendar
Mar 30th Ago
7:00 pm
8:30 pm

LET'S GO AND SCIENCE A BEER! és una trobada al bar Moltabarra per xerrar amb estudiants europeus graduats en ciència, sobre l'oceà i el seu paper en la millora de la salut planetària. Tot això mentre gaudeixes del bon ambient de canyes i tapes i millores el teu anglès. 

Quan? 👉 Dimarts 30 d'agost de 19:00 a 20:30. 

On? 👉 Moltabarra Bar de Tapes. Carrer del Pes de la Farina 12, Palma. 

Entrada lliure. Inscriu-te aquí i et convidarem a la primera canya.

Activitat adreçada a estudiants universitaris i, en general, a totes les persones interessades a conèixer més sobre l'oceà. No es servirà alcohol a menors de 18 anys.

Moltabarra Bar de Tapas
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Jue 15th Sep
12:30 pm
1:30 pm
Auditori del CEAB
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Jue 29th Sep
11:30 am
12:45 pm
Sala d'Actes Ramon Margalef (ICM) y LINK YOUTUBE
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Vie 30th Sep
5:00 pm
8:00 pm

El próximo viernes 30 de septiembre, el Instituto Mediterráneo de Estudios Avanzados IMEDEA (CSIC-UIB) se unirá en Palma a las celebraciones de la Noche Europea de los Investigadores y las Investigadoras, que se conmemora simultáneamente desde 2005 en más de 300 ciudades europeas.  

En esta ocasión, el IMEDEA invita al público a disfrutar de la ciencia a través de su proyecto Ocean Night, dedicado a concienciar sobre la importancia del océano. Para ello, cuenta con personal investigador y técnico que explicará su labor científica mediante diversas actividades lúdicas y gratuitas que se desarrollarán durante la tarde del viernes en el CaixaForum de Palma.

De esta forma, los visitantes que acudan al evento se encontrarán con una feria científica, en la que podrán experimentar cómo el exceso de CO2 afecta al pH del océano, podrán observar otros mundos microscópicos, acercarse a los peces a través de inteligencia artificial o imaginar cómo se desplazarían si viviesen en un medio como la miel. También habrá talleres para componer en familia un mural de fantásticas diatomeas, o ponerse en la piel de los científicos y científicas a través de un juego en el que tendrán que adivinar el contenido de unas misteriosas cajas…  

Para un público más adulto, la jornada cuenta con pases de micro charlas científicas amenizadas con dinámicas de improvisación, a cargo de la compañía Monstruas Impro. 

Este evento está organizado por ESCIENCIA, la Fundación La Caixa y el IMEDEA (CSIC-UIB) a través del proyecto Ocean Night.

+ info en la web del IMEDEA.

Inscripciones en la web del CaixaForum


CaixaForum Palma
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Mar 4th Oct
9:00 am
2:00 pm
Think Tank Científic "Adaptació al canvi climàtic a les illes Balears: reptes ambientals i socials"

El canvi climàtic està afectant tots els països de tots els continents. Està alterant les economies nacionals i afecta diferents vides. A la Mediterrània, cap sector està al marge dels canvis provocats per aquest fenomen global: alteracions en la biodiversitat, desaparició de platges, deteriorament de la qualitat de les aigües, augment exagerat de temperatures, etc.

Per poder conèixer en profunditat com el canvi climàtic està afectant les Illes Balears i detectar possibles sinèrgies col·laboratives tant per a la seva mitigació com per identificar mesures d’adaptació, l'Institut Mediterrani d'Estudis Avançats (IMEDEA CSIC-UIB) posa en marxa el seu primer fòrum Think Tank Científic amb l'objectiu de convertir-se en l’inici d’un laboratori d'idees i espai de debat entre diferents agents de la societat balear.

En aquest fòrum treballarem dinàmiques de grup per generar un flux d'informació multidireccional. Es tracta d'aconseguir conèixer les necessitats que els diferents sectors puguin tenir des d'un punt de vista científic per tal de poder incorporar-les al disseny de futures investigacions.

Amb la col·laboració del Museu Marítim de Mallorca.

Museu Marítim de Mallorca (Ses Voltes, Palma)
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Dom 9th Oct
10:00 am
2:00 pm

Siguiendo con las celebraciones de la Noche Europea de los Investigadores y las Investigadoras y el proyecto Ocean Night, el día 9 de octubre habrá un paseo científico muy especial a bordo del velero Rafael Verdera. En él, científicas y científicos del grupo de ictiología del IMEDEA —que estudian el comportamiento de las especies de peces más emblemáticas de las Baleares— hablarán de su trabajo en este barco clásico botado en 1841, poniendo rumbo a Cap Enderrocat. Una vez allí, el público a bordo podrá participar de las tareas típicas de muestreo que realiza el equipo científico para después disfrutar de un baño en el mar. La actividad será gratuita y accesible a todas aquellas personas que se inscriban a través del correo:  

Velero Rafael Verdera
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Mar 11th Oct
9:15 am
7:00 pm
Jornada ERC Proposal Reading Days 2022 - Illes Balears

Los ERC Proposal Reading Days son una iniciativa donde personas candidatas al Consejo Europeo de Investigación (ERC, en sus siglas en inglés) tendrán la oportunidad de leer propuestas (disponibles como copias en papel) que resultaron financiadas en alguna de las convocatorias 2014-2021 de dicho programa. El ERC Reading Day estará sujeto a un espacio físico y temporal limitado (3h) para hasta 35 participantes por sesión. No se contempla la modalidad on-line. Personas beneficiarias del servicio Podrán hacer uso de este servicio todas las personas candidatas y elegibles en las convocatorias 2023 de ERC en sus modalidades Starting, Consolidator y Advanced Grants, Proof of Concept y que participen con una institución de acogida española.

Requisitos participación y selección de participantes

Para poder participar, la persona lectora:

• Deberá ser elegible para una de las próximas convocatorias del WP2023.

• Deberá estar familiarizada con la convocatoria de ERC WP2023, con las condiciones de participación de su umbral y con los documentos de la propuesta.

• Podrá participar en un único Reading Day en esta edición 2022 y podrá leer hasta dos propuestas.

• Deberá ser personal investigador en alguna institución española.

Cada lector/a deberá registrarse aquí: antes del 7 de Octubre

• E Indicar qué dos propuestas desea leer del abanico de propuestas disponibles en esta edición 2022. Catálogo disponible aquí:

Las presentaciones de la mañana están abiertas a todos.


Agenda de la Jornada

Lloc: Sala d'actes de Son Lledó

9.15 - 9.30 hores   Benvinguda i presentació de la jornada

9.30 - 11 hores   Presentació del programa de treball ERC 2023

Estefanía Muñoz (FECYT), National Contact Point espanyola del programa European Research Council (ERC) de la UE

11 - 11.30 hores   Pausa i cafè

11.30 h - 14 hores  Taula redona de caràcter pràctic sobre la redacció de propostes i torn de preguntes

Massimiliano Zanin (IFISC, UIB-CSIC) ERC Starting Grant

Marta Puxan (UIB) ERC Consolidator Grant

Anna Traveset (IMEDEA, UIB-CSIC) ERC Advanced Grant

Luis M. Martínez (IN-CSIC-UMH) ERC Synergy Grant

Estefanía Muñoz (FECYT) NCP espanyola d’ERC

Lloc: EDAB21 Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos Aula AB21

16 - 19 hores

Lectura de propostes finançades

Prèvia inscripció obligatòria: Formulari de registre disponible fins al divendres 7 d'octubre (màxim 35 persones)


UIB - Mañana: Sala d'actes de Son Lledó; tarde: EDAB21 Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos Aula AB21
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Vie 21st Oct
4:00 pm
4:30 pm
Internal Seminar: Coastal sea levels and wind-waves in the Mediterranean Sea since 1950, by Tim Toomey.

Tim Toomey will present Coastal sea levels and wind-waves in the Mediterranean Sea since 1950, a 30' speak. You can check the abstract here

Afterwards, there will be soft drinks and beers for all attendees.

This cycle of seminars aims at sharing the research carried out at the institute to all members and visitors. PhD candidates, MSc students and junior postdocs are particularly encouraged to participate in the seminars, which will also offer an opportunity to foster their communication skills. 

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Vie 4th Nov
4:00 pm
4:30 pm

Dario Sciandra will present Numerical modelling of Opalinus Clay anisotropic behavior during CO2 injection, a 30' speak. You can check the abstract here

Afterwards, there will be soft drinks and beers for all attendees.

This cycle of seminars aims at sharing the research carried out at the institute to all members and visitors. PhD candidates, MSc students and junior postdocs are particularly encouraged to participate in the seminars, which will also offer an opportunity to foster their communication skills. 

Sala de seminarios IMEDEA
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Lun 7th Nov
11:00 am
12:30 pm
Sala de Seminarios y link youtube IMEDEA
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Vie 11th Nov
12:30 pm
2:00 pm
Sala de seminarios
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Vie 11th Nov
4:00 pm
4:30 pm

Magarida Barceló will present Insights into the genetic mechanisms underlying behavioural variation in wild marine fish, a 30' speak. You can check the abstract here

Afterwards, there will be soft drinks and beers for all attendees.

This cycle of seminars aims at sharing the research carried out at the institute to all members and visitors. PhD candidates, MSc students and junior postdocs are particularly encouraged to participate in the seminars, which will also offer an opportunity to foster their communication skills. 

Sala de seminarios IMEDEA
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Vie 18th Nov
4:00 pm
4:30 pm

Pere Rosselló will present Marine Heat Waves: Definition and Trends in the Mediterranean Sea, a 30' speak. You can check the abstract here

Afterwards, there will be soft drinks and beers for all attendees.

This cycle of seminars aims at sharing the research carried out at the institute to all members and visitors. PhD candidates, MSc students and junior postdocs are particularly encouraged to participate in the seminars, which will also offer an opportunity to foster their communication skills. 

Sala de seminarios IMEDEA
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Mar 22nd Nov
8:00 am
to Vie 25th Nov
8:00 pm
Sala de seminarios. Esporles
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Vie 25th Nov
9:30 am
12:45 pm

Como cada año en el mes de noviembre, el Instituto Mediterráneo de Estudios Avanzados (IMEDEA CSIC-UIB) ofrece sus actividades científico-divulgativas durante la Semana de la Ciencia y la Tecnología


Este año 2022, el IMEDEA abre sus puertas a estudiantes de secundaria, primaria y bachillerato los días 25, 28 y 29 de noviembre, respectivamente.  

El principal objetivo es acercar a las y los estudiantes a espacios donde se desarrolla conocimiento científico, poniéndoles en contacto directo con el personal investigador y la ciencia que realizan.

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Vie 25th Nov
4:00 pm
4:30 pm

Medea Zanoli will present Where is my dinner? The role of DMSCs in plankton predation, a 30' speak. You can check the abstract here

Afterwards, there will be soft drinks and beers for all attendees.

This cycle of seminars aims at sharing the research carried out at the institute to all members and visitors. PhD candidates, MSc students and junior postdocs are particularly encouraged to participate in the seminars, which will also offer an opportunity to foster their communication skills. 

Sala de seminarios IMEDEA
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Lun 28th Nov
8:00 am
to Mié 30th Nov
8:00 pm
Sala de seminarios. Esporles
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Lun 28th Nov
9:30 am
12:45 pm

Como cada año en el mes de noviembre, el Instituto Mediterráneo de Estudios Avanzados (IMEDEA CSIC-UIB) ofrece sus actividades científico-divulgativas durante la Semana de la Ciencia y la Tecnología


Este año 2022, el IMEDEA abre sus puertas a estudiantes de secundaria, primaria y bachillerato los días 25, 28 y 29 de noviembre, respectivamente.  

El principal objetivo es acercar a las y los estudiantes a espacios donde se desarrolla conocimiento científico, poniéndoles en contacto directo con el personal investigador y la ciencia que realizan.

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Mar 29th Nov
9:30 am
12:45 pm

Como cada año en el mes de noviembre, el Instituto Mediterráneo de Estudios Avanzados (IMEDEA CSIC-UIB) ofrece sus actividades científico-divulgativas durante la Semana de la Ciencia y la Tecnología


Este año 2022, el IMEDEA abre sus puertas a estudiantes de secundaria, primaria y bachillerato los días 25, 28 y 29 de noviembre, respectivamente.  

El principal objetivo es acercar a las y los estudiantes a espacios donde se desarrolla conocimiento científico, poniéndoles en contacto directo con el personal investigador y la ciencia que realizan.

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Jue 1st Dic
9:00 am
11:00 am
IMEDEA Glider Lab
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Vie 2nd Dic
4:00 pm
4:30 pm

Giulia Cortinovis will present Look but don’t touch! Underwater videos to describe the habitats of the Menorca channel, a 30' speak. You can check the abstract here

Afterwards, there will be soft drinks and beers for all attendees.

This cycle of seminars aims at sharing the research carried out at the institute to all members and visitors. PhD candidates, MSc students and junior postdocs are particularly encouraged to participate in the seminars, which will also offer an opportunity to foster their communication skills. 

Sala de seminarios IMEDEA
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Vie 16th Dic
4:00 pm
4:30 pm

Anna Diaz will present La colección científica del IMEDEA, a 30' speak. You can check the abstract here

Afterwards, there will be soft drinks and beers for all attendees.

This cycle of seminars aims at sharing the research carried out at the institute to all members and visitors. PhD candidates, MSc students and junior postdocs are particularly encouraged to participate in the seminars, which will also offer an opportunity to foster their communication skills. 

Sala de seminarios IMEDEA
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Mié 21st Dic
11:00 am
3:00 pm
Sala de seminarios
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Vie 13th Ene
4:00 pm
5:00 pm

Jorge Arrieta will present Control por luz de suspensiones de microalgas, a 30' speak. You can check the abstract here

Afterwards, there will be soft drinks and beers for all attendees.

This cycle of seminars aims at sharing the research carried out at the institute to all members and visitors. PhD candidates, MSc students and junior postdocs are particularly encouraged to participate in the seminars, which will also offer an opportunity to foster their communication skills. 

Sala de seminarios IMEDEA
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Vie 20th Ene
4:00 pm
5:00 pm

Pau Luque will present Revisiting Equilibrium Beach Profile Models: Shoreline Changes Induced by Sea-Level Rise, a 30' speak. You can check the abstract here

Afterwards, there will be soft drinks and beers for all attendees.

This cycle of seminars aims at sharing the research carried out at the institute to all members and visitors. PhD candidates, MSc students and junior postdocs are particularly encouraged to participate in the seminars, which will also offer an opportunity to foster their communication skills. 

Sala de seminarios IMEDEA
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Vie 27th Ene
4:00 pm
5:00 pm

Mary Kane will present Formation of Summer Phytoplankton Blooms Near Beaches in Mallorca. You can check the abstract here

Afterwards, there will be soft drinks and beers for all attendees.

This cycle of seminars aims at sharing the research carried out at the institute to all members and visitors. PhD candidates, MSc students and junior postdocs are particularly encouraged to participate in the seminars, which will also offer an opportunity to foster their communication skills. 

Sala de seminarios IMEDEA
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Vie 3rd Feb
4:00 pm
5:00 pm

Joan Villalonga Llauger will present Observational characterization meteotsunamis in the Balearic Islands, a 30' speak. You can check the abstract here

Afterwards, there will be soft drinks and beers for all attendees.

This cycle of seminars aims at sharing the research carried out at the institute to all members and visitors. PhD candidates, MSc students and junior postdocs are particularly encouraged to participate in the seminars, which will also offer an opportunity to foster their communication skills. 


Sala de seminarios IMEDEA
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Jue 9th Feb
12:00 pm
1:00 pm

La Representación del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) en Illes Balears, en colaboración con el IMEDEA (CSIC-UIB), IFISC (CSIC-UIB), la ICTS SOCIB, la unidad del IGME en Baleares y el COB-IEO, organizan estos directos en YouTube a los que podrán sumarse cualquier persona a través de un móvil o navegador de un ordenador.

Lugar: YouTube de la Representación del CSIC en Illes Balears (@csicbalears)

Fechas: jueves, 9 de febrero, y viernes, 10 de febrero de 2023

Duración: 45 minutos cada directo.

-       Jueves, 9 de febrero: 12:00-12:45h

-       Viernes, 10 de febrero: 12:00-12:45h

Canal Youtube de @csicbalears
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Vie 10th Feb
4:00 pm
5:00 pm

Marco Signaroli will present Monitoring coastal recreational fisheries using deep learning, a 30' speak. You can check the abstract here

Afterwards, there will be soft drinks and beers for all attendees.

This cycle of seminars aims at sharing the research carried out at the institute to all members and visitors. PhD candidates, MSc students and junior postdocs are particularly encouraged to participate in the seminars, which will also offer an opportunity to foster their communication skills. 


Sala de seminarios IMEDEA
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Mar 14th Feb
9:00 am
12:00 pm
Taller "La contribución del CO2 a la acidificación de los océanos "
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Vie 17th Feb
4:00 pm
5:00 pm

Jorge Ramos will present Can we estimate the sea level on coasts where there are no measurements? , a 30' speak. You can check the abstract here

Afterwards, there will be soft drinks and beers for all attendees.

This cycle of seminars aims at sharing the research carried out at the institute to all members and visitors. PhD candidates, MSc students and junior postdocs are particularly encouraged to participate in the seminars, which will also offer an opportunity to foster their communication skills. 



Sala de seminarios IMEDEA
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Vie 3rd Mar
4:00 pm
5:00 pm

Peter Unglaub will present Bee-Plant interactions in dependence of honeybee density and landscape structure in agro-ecosystems , a 30' speak. You can check the abstract here

Afterwards, there will be soft drinks and beers for all attendees.

This cycle of seminars aims at sharing the research carried out at the institute to all members and visitors. PhD candidates, MSc students and junior postdocs are particularly encouraged to participate in the seminars, which will also offer an opportunity to foster their communication skills. 



Sala de seminarios IMEDEA
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Mar 7th Mar
12:00 pm
12:15 pm

Las personas que trabajan en el IMEDEA esstán invitadas a participar en la fotografía 8M "DÍA INTERNACIONAL DE LA MUJER" que se realizará con el objetivo de visibilizar el apoyo al movimiento feminista por una igualdad real y efectiva en todos los ámbitos de la vida.

Descarga de pancartas para el posado AQUÍ

Enlaces a información de utilidad sobre este tema:

Entrada del IMEDEA
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Vie 10th Mar
4:00 pm
5:00 pm

Eugenio Cutolo will present Like ants in the ocean: hints and challenges from nature to Artificial Intelligence , a 30' speak. You can check the abstract here

Afterwards, there will be soft drinks and beers for all attendees.

This cycle of seminars aims at sharing the research carried out at the institute to all members and visitors. PhD candidates, MSc students and junior postdocs are particularly encouraged to participate in the seminars, which will also offer an opportunity to foster their communication skills. 



Sala de seminarios IMEDEA
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Vie 17th Mar
9:30 am
1:00 pm
Visita del colegio Gabriel Comas i Ribas
Sala de seminarios del IMEDEA
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Vie 17th Mar
4:00 pm
5:00 pm

Elvira Mayol Alcover will present Dynamics of seagrass (Posidonia Oceanica) fairy rings , a 30' speak. You can check the abstract here

Afterwards, there will be soft drinks and beers for all attendees.

This cycle of seminars aims at sharing the research carried out at the institute to all members and visitors. PhD candidates, MSc students and junior postdocs are particularly encouraged to participate in the seminars, which will also offer an opportunity to foster their communication skills. 



Sala de seminarios IMEDEA
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Mar 21st Mar
1:00 pm
2:30 pm
Sala de seminarios IMEDEA
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Vie 24th Mar
12:30 pm
3:30 pm
Sala de seminarios IMEDEA
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Vie 24th Mar
4:00 pm
5:00 pm

Brisa Marciniak will present Effect of the elimination of an invasive tree on the structure of a plant-frugivore network , a 30' speak. You can check the abstract here

Afterwards, there will be soft drinks and beers for all attendees.

This cycle of seminars aims at sharing the research carried out at the institute to all members and visitors. PhD candidates, MSc students and junior postdocs are particularly encouraged to participate in the seminars, which will also offer an opportunity to foster their communication skills. 



Sala de seminarios IMEDEA
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Jue 30th Mar
10:00 am
11:30 am
Cabrera centro de interpretación
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Vie 31st Mar
4:00 pm
5:00 pm

Alba Costa will present Spatio-temporal responses of ecosystem functions to ecological restoration, a 30' speak. You can check the abstract here

Afterwards, there will be soft drinks and beers for all attendees.

This cycle of seminars aims at sharing the research carried out at the institute to all members and visitors. PhD candidates, MSc students and junior postdocs are particularly encouraged to participate in the seminars, which will also offer an opportunity to foster their communication skills. 



Sala de seminarios IMEDEA
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Vie 14th Abr
4:00 pm
5:00 pm

Luc Zorilla will present Interaction between physical properties and biological functions at the microscale: the case of flagella. You can check the abstract here

Afterwards, there will be soft drinks and beers for all attendees.

This cycle of seminars aims at sharing the research carried out at the institute to all members and visitors. PhD candidates, MSc students and junior postdocs are particularly encouraged to participate in the seminars, which will also offer an opportunity to foster their communication skills. 



Sala de seminarios IMEDEA
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Vie 21st Abr
4:00 pm
5:00 pm

Jon Gargallo will present "The study of cultured extremophiles and theirs possible applications in biotechnology", a 30' speak. You can check the abstract here

Afterwards, there will be soft drinks and beers for all attendees.

This cycle of seminars aims at sharing the research carried out at the institute to all members and visitors. PhD candidates, MSc students and junior postdocs are particularly encouraged to participate in the seminars, which will also offer an opportunity to foster their communication skills. 



Sala de seminarios IMEDEA
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Vie 28th Abr
4:00 pm
5:00 pm

Miguel Agulles will present "", a 30' speak. You can check the abstract here

Afterwards, there will be soft drinks and beers for all attendees.

This cycle of seminars aims at sharing the research carried out at the institute to all members and visitors. PhD candidates, MSc students and junior postdocs are particularly encouraged to participate in the seminars, which will also offer an opportunity to foster their communication skills. 



Sala de seminarios IMEDEA
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Jue 4th May
11:00 am
12:00 pm
Puerto de Alcúdia
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Vie 5th May
4:00 pm
5:00 pm

Esteban Bustos will present "Osmotic disturbances: effects on microbial and viral hypersaline communities", a 30' speak. You can check the abstract here

Afterwards, there will be soft drinks and beers for all attendees.

This cycle of seminars aims at sharing the research carried out at the institute to all members and visitors. PhD candidates, MSc students and junior postdocs are particularly encouraged to participate in the seminars, which will also offer an opportunity to foster their communication skills. 



Sala de seminarios IMEDEA
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Jue 11th May
9:00 am
to Sáb 13th May
2:00 pm

Un año más, el IMEDEA lleva la ciencia al Campus Universitario de la UIB en la nueva edición de 'Ciència per a tothom', actividad organizada por la Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB) que nace de la inquietud de su profesorado por fomentar las vocaciones científicas y tecnológicas entre la juventud.

El evento está dirigido a centros educativos (estudiantes de primaria y secundaria) los días 11 y 12 de mayo de 2023, de 8:30-14:30 horas (inscripción cerrada) y para el público en general el 12 de mayo, de 16:30-19:30 horas, y el 13 de mayo de 10:00-14:00 horas.

Campus UIB
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Vie 12th May
4:00 pm
5:00 pm

Rotman Criollo will present "Shallow geothermal systems in coastal aquifers", a 30' speak. You can check the abstract here

Afterwards, there will be soft drinks and beers for all attendees.

This cycle of seminars aims at sharing the research carried out at the institute to all members and visitors. PhD candidates, MSc students and junior postdocs are particularly encouraged to participate in the seminars, which will also offer an opportunity to foster their communication skills.


Sala de seminarios IMEDEA
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Mar 16th May
10:00 am
11:00 am
Can Oleo
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Vie 19th May
4:00 pm
5:00 pm

Ionuț-Mădălin Gridan will present "Metagenome-inferred diversity and ecological roles of microorganisms inhabiting hypersaline stratified Fără Fund Lake", a 30' speak. You can check the abstract here

Afterwards, there will be soft drinks and beers for all attendees.

This cycle of seminars aims at sharing the research carried out at the institute to all members and visitors. PhD candidates, MSc students and junior postdocs are particularly encouraged to participate in the seminars, which will also offer an opportunity to foster their communication skills.


Sala de seminarios IMEDEA
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Lun 22nd May
7:00 pm
to Mié 24th May
8:30 pm

El Festival Pint Of Science es un evento de índole internacional que invita a los investigadores más punteros a compartir sus conocimientos contigo en un ambiente relajado y distendido: el bar.

Nuestro próximo Festival Pint Of Science tendrá lugar del lunes 22 de Mayo al miércoles 24 de Mayo de 2023 y se celebrará de manera simultánea y coordinada en varios países del mundo.

El IMEDEA organiza, junto al IFISC, las jornadas de este año en las que participarán Ángel Amores, Marco Polin e Iris Hendriks. 

¡Os esperamos el día 22 a las 19h en el Café 3 Bandas de Palma!

Café 3 Bandas
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Vie 26th May
2:00 pm
3:00 pm

Samuel Hermant will present "Current and potential future source/sink dynamics of CO2 in seagrass meadows", a 30' speak. You can check the abstract here

Afterwards, there will be soft drinks and beers for all attendees.

This cycle of seminars aims at sharing the research carried out at the institute to all members and visitors. PhD candidates, MSc students and junior postdocs are particularly encouraged to participate in the seminars, which will also offer an opportunity to foster their communication skills.


Sala de seminarios IMEDEA
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Vie 26th May
2:45 pm
4:00 pm
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Lun 29th May
9:00 am
to Mar 30th May
3:00 pm
Sala de seminarios, Esporles
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Vie 2nd Jun
4:00 pm
5:00 pm

Iman Vaezi will present "Understanding induced microseismicity during stimulation of enhanced geothermal systems", a 30' speak. You can check the abstract here

Afterwards, there will be soft drinks and beers for all attendees.

This cycle of seminars aims at sharing the research carried out at the institute to all members and visitors. PhD candidates, MSc students and junior postdocs are particularly encouraged to participate in the seminars, which will also offer an opportunity to foster their communication skills.


Sala de seminarios IMEDEA
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Dom 4th Jun
to Jue 8th Jun

ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2023

4–9 June 2023 · Palma de Mallorca, Spain

Resilience and Recovery in Aquatic Systems

Concepts of resilience and recovery do not only apply to aquatic ecosystems but also to societies when faced with disruptions and crises. Past events have shown that adaptability and decisiveness are important keys to resilience and recovery. Disruptions are opportune moments for setting up strategies for management and recovery. Faced with the COVID-19 pandemic, ASLO meetings have adapted by transforming the ASM 2021 Palma meeting to virtual with a positive attitude that in 2023 we will recover and meet in-person. Positivity is also an important factor.  We do not dwell on problems, but we try to look for solutions and get united for whatever crisis we face.  

We will incorporate the theme of resilience and recovery in aquatic systems into the plenary sessions and encourage submissions that examine these topics and invite you to contribute special sessions on topics relevant to freshwater and marine ecosystems.  

Initially this meeting was scheduled to be held in Palma in 2021, but due to COVID-19, it became necessary to hold the ASLO 2021 Aquatic Sciences Meeting virtually.  However, we plan to meet in Palma in 2023.   

Palau de Congressos
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Mié 7th Jun
1:00 pm
5:00 pm
From Single Cells to Ecosystems Scales - Connectivity between Microorganisms and their Environment

Workshop 2023:

From Single Cells to Ecosystems Scales -

Connectivity between Microorganisms and their Environment


Organizers: Marco Polin (IMEDEA), Soeren Ahmerkamp (MPI-MM), Lars Behrendt (SciLifeLab), Klaus Koren (Aarhus University)

Sala de seminarios, IMEDEA
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Jue 8th Jun
10:00 am
11:30 am

El 8 de junio, Día Mundial de los Océanos, un equipo de científicas y científicos del Instituto Mediterráneo de Estudios Avanzados (IMEDEA, CSIC-UIB) y del Sistema de Observación y Predicción Costero de las Illes Balears (ICTS SOCIB) se conectará en directo en YouTube a las 10:00 para responder a vuestras preguntas sobre el proyecto FaSt-SWOT, el satélite SWOT y el programa educativo ¡Boya al Agua!.

Jueves 8 de junio a las 10 h.

Canal YouTube del IMEDEA (link).

Haznos llegar tus preguntas a través de este formulario.

+ Info aquí.  

Canal Youtube de @IMEDEA UIB-CSIC
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Mar 13th Jun
11:00 am
12:00 pm
Predators and prey in a sea of mesoscale eddies

Dra. Alice Della Penna


This seminary is about pelagic organisms live and interact with each other in a highly dynamic environment which is structured by oceanographic features at multiple scales. Mesoscale eddies (rotating currents with lifetimes of few weeks-few months) have been observed to strongly impact the distribution of primary production in the ocean. At the other end of marine foodwebs, a growing number of animal tracking studies suggest that apex predators, from seabirds to sharks and marine mammals, tend to collocate with mesoscale eddies. Yet, the mechanisms behind this close relationship are not well understood. In this presentation, I will discuss some recent work that aims at understanding how mesoscale eddies affect the distribution of micronekton, a diverse group of animals ranging from small squids, fishes and crustacea, which are common prey items for pelagic predators. Using sonar acoustics as a proxy for the distribution of these organisms, I will show how we found a strong relationship between eddy properties and the distribution of micronekton, from the ocean surface to the mesopelagic ocean (200-1000 m deep) and from the North Atlantic to the Southern Ocean. These results can help explain why apex predators collocate with mesoscale eddies and what role oceanographic features play in structuring the distribution of micronekton worldwide.

Sala de Seminarios del IMEDEA
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Jue 15th Jun
10:00 am
11:00 am

El proper 15 de juny, presenta la seva tesi doctoral el doctorand Miguel Agulles Gámez.


Director: Dr. Gabriel Jordà Sánchez

Programa de doctorat en Física

Dia: 15 de juny de 2023

Hora: a les 10.00 hores

Lloc: Sala de Graus de l'edifici Antoni Maria Alcover i Sureda

Si no hi podeu assistir, aquí us deixo l'enllaç d'emissió en directe:


Sala de Graus de l'edifici Antoni Maria Alcover i Sureda (UIB)
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Vie 16th Jun
4:00 pm
5:00 pm

Janine Steffens will present "A practical approach to quantify the overall carbon storage and its current ecological state of one peatland area: case study Rostock", a 30' speak. You can check the abstract here

Afterwards, there will be soft drinks and beers for all attendees.

This cycle of seminars aims at sharing the research carried out at the institute to all members and visitors. PhD candidates, MSc students and junior postdocs are particularly encouraged to participate in the seminars, which will also offer an opportunity to foster their communication skills.


Sala de seminarios IMEDEA
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Vie 23rd Jun
4:00 pm
5:00 pm

María del Pilar González-García will present "Weak population structure detected in the commercially important deep-sea queen snapper in Puerto Rico", a 30' speak. You can check the abstract here

Afterwards, there will be soft drinks and beers for all attendees.

This cycle of seminars aims at sharing the research carried out at the institute to all members and visitors. PhD candidates, MSc students and junior postdocs are particularly encouraged to participate in the seminars, which will also offer an opportunity to foster their communication skills.


Sala de seminarios IMEDEA
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Lun 26th Jun
11:00 am
12:00 pm
Celebramos Sant Pere en el IMEDEA


Día 26 de junio


- A las 11 h - Charla/taller 'Las colecciones del IMEDEA: Conservando los tesoros de la naturaleza'. 

- A las 12 h - 'Visita en el laboratorio de microplankton'.

Viernes 30 en el Ajuntament d'Esporles

- A las 10 h Exposición itinerante "Adentrándonos en el Océano", desarrollada en el marco del proyecto europeo OceanNight .

Tocdas las actividades son gratuitas, aunque es necesaria la inscripción previa que se podrá realizar a través de la web del IMEDEA al hacerse público el programa de Fiestas.


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Mié 28th Jun
4:00 pm
5:00 pm

Andrés Arona Villen will present "Meta-analysis on the effect of acidification on defense strategies against herbivores in seagrasses", a 30' speak. You can check the abstract here

Afterwards, there will be soft drinks and beers for all attendees.

This cycle of seminars aims at sharing the research carried out at the institute to all members and visitors. PhD candidates, MSc students and junior postdocs are particularly encouraged to participate in the seminars, which will also offer an opportunity to foster their communication skills.


Sala de seminarios IMEDEA
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Vie 30th Jun
10:00 am
11:00 am
Celebramos Sant Pere en el IMEDEA


Día 26 de junio


- A las 11 h - Charla/taller 'Las colecciones del IMEDEA: Conservando los tesoros de la naturaleza'. 

- A las 12 h - 'Visita en el laboratorio de microplankton'.

Viernes 30 en el Ajuntament d'Esporles

- A las 10 h Exposición itinerante "Adentrándonos en el Océano", desarrollada en el marco del proyecto europeo OceanNight .

Tocdas las actividades son gratuitas, aunque es necesaria la inscripción previa que se podrá realizar a través de la web del IMEDEA al hacerse público el programa de Fiestas.


Ajuntament d'Esporles
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Mar 4th Jul
11:00 am
12:00 pm

ABSTRACT Intrusions with water properties of the surface mixed layer are seen to occur in the stratified pycnocline. These features appear to be coherent pathways by which oxygen, phytoplankton carbon and other near-surface properties are transported to depth. What are the mechanisms for advective vertical transport or subduction of properties from the surface mixed layer to the subsurface? What are the Lagrangian pathways of subduction and what is the vertical flux induced through these mechanisms? These are some of the questions that we address in a program called CALYPSO, carried out in collaboration with IMEDEA and SOCIB. This seminar presents an overview and some research highlights.


Amala Mahadevan is a scientist at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI). Her interests lie in exploring processes that shape the oceanic environment and contribute to the earth's climate. She uses models and observations to study transport and mixing processes in the ocean and their implications for oceanic biogeochemistry and ecology. She is particularly interested in understanding the link between physical and biological processes in the oceans, which is of relevance for the oceanic carbon cycle with which the earth’s climate is so intrinsically linked. Mahadevan, who earned her PhD at Stanford University, is the recipient of several research grants from National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the National Science Foundation, and the Office of Naval Research. She is engaged in an active research program with her collaborators, postdoctoral scientists, and PhD students in the MIT/WHOI Joint Program.

Sala de Seminarios, IMEDEA
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Mié 5th Jul
9:00 am
1:00 pm
Sala de Seminarios, IMEDEA , ESporles
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Vie 7th Jul
4:00 pm
5:00 pm

Catherine Gregory will present "Sub-seasonal to season drivers of Australian marine heatwaves", a 30' speak. You can check the abstract here

Afterwards, there will be soft drinks and beers for all attendees.

This cycle of seminars aims at sharing the research carried out at the institute to all members and visitors. PhD candidates, MSc students and junior postdocs are particularly encouraged to participate in the seminars, which will also offer an opportunity to foster their communication skills.


Sala de seminarios IMEDEA
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Mié 12th Jul
11:00 am
12:00 pm

Abstract: Floods resulting from extreme sea levels are among the costliest natural hazards, causing tens of billions of dollars in economic losses globally each year. Without adaption, such losses are certain to worsen in the decades ahead as sea level rises. Adaptation plans are key to reducing this vulnerability while also avoiding costly overprotection measures. However, their success relies on knowledge of how changes in mean climate affect the likelihood of extreme sea-level events. This effect can occur through both changes in storminess and changes in mean sea level (e.g., sea-level rise). While the effects of sea-level rise on extremes are easy to quantify, the role of changes in storminess is challenging to determine owing to low signal-to-noise ratios. Here, I will demonstrate that spatial coherence in sea-level extremes can be leveraged using Bayesian methods to drastically improve signal-to-noise ratios, allowing confident detection and attribution of changes in event probabilities. I will show that, contrary to the prevailing view, trends in surge extremes and sea-level rise both made comparable contributions to the overall change in extreme sea levels in Europe since 1960. The trend pattern of storm surge extremes reflects a combination of a north–south dipole associated with internal climate variability and a single-sign positive pattern related to anthropogenic forcing. These changes are consistent with a strengthening and eastward extension of the North Atlantic storm track, leading to increased storminess over Northwestern and Central Europe.

Francisco M. Calafat is a senior scientist at the National Oceanography Centre (NOC) in the UK and a former Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellow (2011-2014). He obtained his PhD in Physics from the University of the Balearic Islands in 2010. Francisco is interested in the physics of sea-level changes, the influence of climate change on extreme weather and, increasingly, the transport of heat by ocean circulation. He is currently the NOC PI on the Sea-level CCI+ project focusing on understanding regional influences on global mean sea level, NOC PI on the 4DAtlantic project to quantify ocean heat transport using satellite data, and Co-I on the EPOC project to explain and predict the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation.

Sala de Seminarios, IMEDEA
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Vie 14th Jul
10:30 am
11:30 am
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Vie 14th Jul
11:00 am
12:00 pm

Doctoral thesis defense: "Diagnosing 3D ocean fine-scale dynamics: towards the integration of models, remote-sensing and in-situ observations through deep-learning and variational approaches"  by Eugenio Cutolo.

July 14, 2023

11 a.m.

IMEDEA's Seminar Room (first floor) 

Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies, Esporles


The court will be composed of: 

Bruno Buongiorno Nardelli, CNR, President.

Aida Alvera Azcárate, U. Liege, Secretary. 

Vincent Combes, IMEDEA(CSIC-UIB), Vocal.

IMEDEA's Seminar Room
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Vie 14th Jul
4:00 pm
5:00 pm

Martina Martorell Barceló will present "Chronotypes - Personality Behavioural Syndromes in a Wild Marine Fish", a 30' speak. You can check the abstract here

Afterwards, there will be soft drinks and beers for all attendees.

This cycle of seminars aims at sharing the research carried out at the institute to all members and visitors. PhD candidates, MSc students and junior postdocs are particularly encouraged to participate in the seminars, which will also offer an opportunity to foster their communication skills.


Sala de seminarios IMEDEA
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