Seminar: CALYPSO: a research initiative investigating the submesoscale dynamics of the Almeria-Oran Front


  • Speaker: Eric A. D’Asaro, Applied Physics Laboratory and School of Oceanography University of Washington.







Esporles, April 17, 2018. IMEDEA and SOCIB will collaborate with US Investigators in a new research initiative CALYPSO investigating the submesoscale dynamics of the Almeria-Oran Front with a particular emphasis on the understanding Lagrangian trajectories originating at the surface and carrying surface water into the interior at the front.



The talk will describe the motivation for CALYPSO, show some previous data and briefly describe our plans for the Pilot cruise at the end of May, 2018.






Date and Time: Thursday, April 19, 12:00h

Place: IMEDEA Seminar Room