News of: Barbara Barceló Llull 09/05/2023 La educación oceánica se embarca en la segunda campaña del proyecto FaSt-SWOT 04/04/2023 "Boia a l'aigua! De l'espai exterior al Mediterrani", una proposta educativa de l'IMEDEA i la ICTS SOCIB sobre la importància dels corrents marins 20/02/2023 New contribution to the understanding of the Mediterranean Sea 16/12/2022 SWOT satellite successfully launched with mission to examine Earth's surface water 14/11/2022 Semana de la Ciencia y la Tecnología 2022 en el IMEDEA 21/09/2022 The European Researchers' Night brings the ocean to CaixaForum Palma with the support of the Ocean Night project 11/02/2021 ‘Scientific Illusions’, IMEDEA's video to raise awareness about the women's role in science and promote scientific vocations 10/02/2021 IMEDEA participates in the activities of the 'International Day of Women and Girls in Science' 2021 22/10/2020 2020 Science and Technology Week at IMEDEA 03/05/2018 Oceanographic campaign #PRE_SWOT begins on board the García del Cid (CSIC) 26/09/2017 PhD thesis: "Shedding light into mesoscale dynamics and vertical motion through synthetic and in situ observations"