News of: Simón Ruiz Valero 27/01/2025 Key Areas for Conservation of the European Storm Petrel and Marine Biodiversity Identified in the Mediterranean 10/05/2024 A new study reveals how ocean currents are key to the journey of microscopic organisms to the depths 23/04/2024 CLOINet: An Integral Neural Network for 3D Reconstruction of the Oceanic State 06/07/2023 PhD Thesis: "Diagnosing 3D ocean fine-scale dynamics: towards the integration of models, remote-sensing and in-situ observations through deep-learning and variational approaches" 20/02/2023 New contribution to the understanding of the Mediterranean Sea 17/02/2022 The CALYPSO-2022 campaign for the study of three-dimensional transport in the ocean begins 27/11/2020 IMEDEA and ICTS SOCIB researchers analyze the transport of water from the superficial ocean to the deepest 19/11/2020 Imedea organizes the 9th MONGOOS General Assembly 19/12/2019 The CSIC participates in a project for the observation of the European oceans 05/12/2019 IMEDEA participates in the Climate Summit (COP25) 14/01/2019 The birds, new detectors of the speed of the marine currents 14/09/2018 Publication of the GODAE OceanView International School book: 'New frontiers in operational oceanography' <<12 3 >>27