IMEDEA Calendar
Dj 15th juny
10:00 am
11:00 am

El proper 15 de juny, presenta la seva tesi doctoral el doctorand Miguel Agulles Gámez.


Director: Dr. Gabriel Jordà Sánchez

Programa de doctorat en Física

Dia: 15 de juny de 2023

Hora: a les 10.00 hores

Lloc: Sala de Graus de l'edifici Antoni Maria Alcover i Sureda

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Sala de Graus de l'edifici Antoni Maria Alcover i Sureda (UIB)
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Dv 16th juny
4:00 pm
5:00 pm

Janine Steffens will present "A practical approach to quantify the overall carbon storage and its current ecological state of one peatland area: case study Rostock", a 30' speak. You can check the abstract here

Afterwards, there will be soft drinks and beers for all attendees.

This cycle of seminars aims at sharing the research carried out at the institute to all members and visitors. PhD candidates, MSc students and junior postdocs are particularly encouraged to participate in the seminars, which will also offer an opportunity to foster their communication skills.


Sala de seminarios IMEDEA
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Dv 23rd juny
4:00 pm
5:00 pm

María del Pilar González-García will present "Weak population structure detected in the commercially important deep-sea queen snapper in Puerto Rico", a 30' speak. You can check the abstract here

Afterwards, there will be soft drinks and beers for all attendees.

This cycle of seminars aims at sharing the research carried out at the institute to all members and visitors. PhD candidates, MSc students and junior postdocs are particularly encouraged to participate in the seminars, which will also offer an opportunity to foster their communication skills.


Sala de seminarios IMEDEA
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Dl 26th juny
11:00 am
12:00 pm
Celebramos Sant Pere en el IMEDEA


Día 26 de junio


- A las 11 h - Charla/taller 'Las colecciones del IMEDEA: Conservando los tesoros de la naturaleza'. 

- A las 12 h - 'Visita en el laboratorio de microplankton'.

Viernes 30 en el Ajuntament d'Esporles

- A las 10 h Exposición itinerante "Adentrándonos en el Océano", desarrollada en el marco del proyecto europeo OceanNight .

Tocdas las actividades son gratuitas, aunque es necesaria la inscripción previa que se podrá realizar a través de la web del IMEDEA al hacerse público el programa de Fiestas.


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Dc 28th juny
4:00 pm
5:00 pm

Andrés Arona Villen will present "Meta-analysis on the effect of acidification on defense strategies against herbivores in seagrasses", a 30' speak. You can check the abstract here

Afterwards, there will be soft drinks and beers for all attendees.

This cycle of seminars aims at sharing the research carried out at the institute to all members and visitors. PhD candidates, MSc students and junior postdocs are particularly encouraged to participate in the seminars, which will also offer an opportunity to foster their communication skills.


Sala de seminarios IMEDEA
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Dv 30th juny
10:00 am
11:00 am
Celebramos Sant Pere en el IMEDEA


Día 26 de junio


- A las 11 h - Charla/taller 'Las colecciones del IMEDEA: Conservando los tesoros de la naturaleza'. 

- A las 12 h - 'Visita en el laboratorio de microplankton'.

Viernes 30 en el Ajuntament d'Esporles

- A las 10 h Exposición itinerante "Adentrándonos en el Océano", desarrollada en el marco del proyecto europeo OceanNight .

Tocdas las actividades son gratuitas, aunque es necesaria la inscripción previa que se podrá realizar a través de la web del IMEDEA al hacerse público el programa de Fiestas.


Ajuntament d'Esporles
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