IMEDEA Calendar
Dj 4th maig
11:00 am
12:00 pm
Puerto de Alcúdia
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Dv 5th maig
4:00 pm
5:00 pm

Esteban Bustos will present "Osmotic disturbances: effects on microbial and viral hypersaline communities", a 30' speak. You can check the abstract here

Afterwards, there will be soft drinks and beers for all attendees.

This cycle of seminars aims at sharing the research carried out at the institute to all members and visitors. PhD candidates, MSc students and junior postdocs are particularly encouraged to participate in the seminars, which will also offer an opportunity to foster their communication skills. 



Sala de seminarios IMEDEA
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Dj 11th maig
9:00 am
to Ds 13th maig
2:00 pm

Un año más, el IMEDEA lleva la ciencia al Campus Universitario de la UIB en la nueva edición de 'Ciència per a tothom', actividad organizada por la Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB) que nace de la inquietud de su profesorado por fomentar las vocaciones científicas y tecnológicas entre la juventud.

El evento está dirigido a centros educativos (estudiantes de primaria y secundaria) los días 11 y 12 de mayo de 2023, de 8:30-14:30 horas (inscripción cerrada) y para el público en general el 12 de mayo, de 16:30-19:30 horas, y el 13 de mayo de 10:00-14:00 horas.

Campus UIB
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Dv 12th maig
4:00 pm
5:00 pm

Rotman Criollo will present "Shallow geothermal systems in coastal aquifers", a 30' speak. You can check the abstract here

Afterwards, there will be soft drinks and beers for all attendees.

This cycle of seminars aims at sharing the research carried out at the institute to all members and visitors. PhD candidates, MSc students and junior postdocs are particularly encouraged to participate in the seminars, which will also offer an opportunity to foster their communication skills.


Sala de seminarios IMEDEA
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Dt 16th maig
10:00 am
11:00 am
Can Oleo
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Dv 19th maig
4:00 pm
5:00 pm

Ionuț-Mădălin Gridan will present "Metagenome-inferred diversity and ecological roles of microorganisms inhabiting hypersaline stratified Fără Fund Lake", a 30' speak. You can check the abstract here

Afterwards, there will be soft drinks and beers for all attendees.

This cycle of seminars aims at sharing the research carried out at the institute to all members and visitors. PhD candidates, MSc students and junior postdocs are particularly encouraged to participate in the seminars, which will also offer an opportunity to foster their communication skills.


Sala de seminarios IMEDEA
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