IMEDEA Calendar
Dt 30th abr.
10:30 am
1:30 pm

Entrega de premios de los proyectos ganadores del certamen "Ocean Odyssey Challenge” del proyecto Ocean Night. 

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Dj 2nd maig
10:00 am
11:00 am
Sala de seminarios IMEDEA
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Dv 3rd maig
12:00 pm
1:00 pm


Sunlight drives virtually all life on the Earth’s surface, with about 50% of primary productivity occurring in marine systems. Yet, this traditional view of phototrophy changed radically with the discovery of marine bacterial rhodopsins (i.e., proteorhodopsins; PR), over twenty years ago. PRs are simple light-driven proton pumps present in over 80% of surface bacterioplankton, which allow them to transform light into biochemical energy.

Combining culture-based physiology studies with (meta)-genomics, (meta)-transcriptomics, and environmental quantifications we are just starting to understand the role that PR-based photoheterotrophy plays in the ocean. In this presentation, I will discuss the knowns and unknowns of PR-phototrophy and what we are starting to learn from looking at its natural distributions in different oceanographic basins, ranging from extreme ultraoligotrophic regions to high productivity environments

Sala de seminarios IMEDEA
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Dl 6th maig
TREC Sequencing Course Mallorca

Introductory course to Next Generation Sequencing tecniques organized within the Maria de Maeztu Programme in collaboration with EMBL.


May 6th 2024 Monday                     


Wet lab lectures

10:00 – 10:45


Session 1: Considerations for experimental design.

(Laura Villacorta – Genecore EMBL)

10:45 – 11:30


Session 2: Sample isolation and preparation. Applications. (Laura Villacorta – Genecore EMBL)


11:30 – 12:00

Coffee break (on site)

12:00 – 12:45

Session 4: Short-read sequencing.

(Laura Villacorta – Genecore EMBL)

12:45 – 13:30

Session 5: Long-read sequencing.

(Laura Villacorta – Genecore EMBL)

13:30 – 14:30

Lunch break (free time)

14:30 – 15:15

Session 3: Making of Platynereis into a Model Organism.

(Leslie Pan, Arendt’s lab, EMBL)


The Arendt group is interested in the evolution of central nervous system in bilateral animals. With sequencing technologies becoming more accessible, we have built extensive genomics resources that has allowed us to dive deeper into cell type evolution. Leslie will introduce different published and unpublished works from the group, and how we leveraged the different sequencing technologies.

1. Assembling the genome of a highly heterozygous worm

2. Single cell transcriptomes for cross species comparison

3. In field genotyping/sequencing for species identification

15:15 – 16:15

Session 6: Wet lab consultations.

(Laura Villacorta, Leslie Pan, Jonathan Landry)




May 7th 2024 Tuesday


Dry lab lectures

10:00 – 11:30



Session 7: Sequencing data formats and data QC.

(Jonathan Landry – Genecore EMBL)

11:30 – 12:00

Coffee break (on site)

12:00 – 13:00 


Session 8: Dry lab consultations

(Jonathan Landry - Genecore EMBL)



Sala de Seminarios, IMEDEA
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Dl 6th maig
2:00 pm
4:00 pm
Curso Base Programacion
Sala reuniones 3
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