The International GEoREST Workshop on Induced Seismicity begins.


The problem of high-magnitude and uncontrolled induced seismicity has been a persistent concern in various subsurface systems for decades. Since the earliest observed cases in wastewater injection, research to limit induced seismicity and improve the safety of these systems has been ongoing. However, recent events in Pohang, Castor, Groningen, among others, have demonstrated that there is still much to learn in terms of physics and demand more efficient systems for characterization, monitoring, and forecasting.


Organized by Victor Vilarrasa, this workshop aims to foster discussion on the latest advances in understanding the process, subsurface characterization, and forecasting of induced seismicity. It will take place from March 11 to 13 at Can Oleo, Palma.


📅 Workshop Sessions:


Session 1: Understanding the causes of induced seismicity

Session 2: Can we forecast post-injection seismicity?

Session 3: Subsurface characterization

Session 4: Forecasting induced seismicity

Session 5: Case studies of induced seismicity




  • Gillian Foulger (Durham University)
  • Peter Meier (GeoEnergie Suisse)
  • Serge Shapiro (Freie Universität Berlin)
  • Leo Eisner (Seismik)
  • Jesús Carrera (CSIC)
  • Ioannis Stefanou (Nantes University)
  • Marie Violay (EPFL)
  • Keita Yoshioka (Montanuniversität Leoben)
  • Grzegorz Kwiatek (GFZ)
  • Yusuke Mukuhira (Tohoku University)
  • Luis Cueto-Felgueroso (Technical University of Madrid)
  • Qinghua Lei (Uppsala University)
  • Silvia De Simone (CSIC)
  • Mateo Acosta (CalTech)
  • Alexis Sáez (EPFL)
  • Jean Schmittbuhl (Strasbourg University)
  • Sarah Weihmann (RWTH Aachen University)
  • James Verdon (University of Bristol)