IMEDEA carries out a series of talks focused on Fishing in Baleares


  • The IMEDEA (CSIC-UIB) together with Club Diario de Mallorca organize the series of talks "Fishing in the Balearics, and Management Science"
  • Talks are presented in the Club Diario de Mallorca on the third Thursday of each month at 19 h., until May 2012

Mallorca, 13 February 2012. Researchers from the group of Ichthyology at the Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies (CSIC-UIB) together with the Club Diario de Mallorca organize a lecture scientific-informative "Fishing in the Balearics, Science and Management." This program of talks, which started last January 12 and runs until May 17, will give a scientific view of the main causes and consequences of the practice of fishing in the Balearic Islands and the state of the marine resources of the islands, emphasizing how scientific knowledge is applied in the management of fisheries resources.


At the first session Ignacio Catalán, at the research group of ichthyology IMEDEA and coordinator of this series of talks, presented the main causes of fish mortality. As he explained during the session, "are usually environmental factors such as temperature or currents that influence the mortality of fish, but there are others. Fishing modifies the mean size of the population because it removes large individuals selectively. Fishing favors fish vulnerability to environmental changes "


The series, which presents a conference on the third Thursday of each month through May 2012, will present in the next session, on Thursday 16 February at 19.00 h., the lecture "professional vs. recreational fishing: toward a new balance" offered by Antoni Maria Grau, Head of the Department of Marine Resources, DG Medi Rural i Marí, the Government of the Balearic Islands. The sessions will continue with presentations by Beatriz Morales (IMEDEA), Enric Massutí (COB-IEO) and Miquel Palmer (IMEDEA).


One of the main objectives is to bring scientific knowledge to the citizens of the Balearic Islands to facilitate understanding and decision-making about local environmental issues and general interest, such as Fisheries and its consequences in the Mediterranean.


The Club Diario de Mallorca, loudspeaker of Science in the Balearics

One of the primary objectives of the Club Diario de Mallorca is the recovery of the spirit of the Enlightenment, serving as speaker of any initiative that has its origin in man's greatest invention: the reason. In this sense, the person responsible for delivering the inaugural lecture of the course was currently offered by the rector of the UIB with "El coneixement com a motor de creació de rique