Ignacio A. Catalán Alemany
Scientific Researcher at CSIC (civil servant).
My main scientific interest is in fisheries oceanography, particularly in understanding the physical and biological mechanisms that determine fish survival during their early developmental stages, when mortality rates are extremely high, difficult to predict, and crucial for the fate of many exploited populations. However, I have partially adapted my interests in response to new challenges that have arisen in a rapidly changing environment, society, and technological capacity.
Over the last decade, my research has concentrated on three main areas:
- Advancing the understanding of the individual and collective responses of fish to both extrinsic and intrinsic factors, including the impact of climate change.
- Characterising and quantifying the processes that influence fish recruitment.
- Applying new technologies to automatically gather massive data on the activities of fish and fishermen, contributing to more effective fisheries management based on science.
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