Young people from the Mediterranean come together in Heraklion to strengthen their connection with the marine environment


Young people from the Mediterranean region have gathered in Heraklion as part of the Erasmus+ YOU4BLUE project, supported by the European Union, with the aim of deepening environmental awareness and promoting sustainability in the Mediterranean region.

YOU4BLUE seeks to inspire young people to view the environment as an extension of their identity, not just as a resource. Through interactions with experts in various disciplines, critical thinking is fostered, and a comprehensive understanding of environmental challenges is promoted, aligning with the vision of a more sustainable future.

The Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies (IMEDEA CSIC-UIB) stands out as the scientific partner of the project in Spain, while the IES Bendinat Institute in Calviá has been instrumental in facilitating collaboration and providing scientific support.

During their stay in Heraklion, the 50 participating students have engaged in a variety of interactive activities designed to explore and understand the marine environment. From the vital task of cleaning and classifying waste on the beach to the exciting identification of coastal biodiversity, participants have demonstrated an active commitment to the protection and preservation of marine ecosystems.

Photo:  I.E.S Bendinat students during one of the meeting activities.  


A highlight was a workshop with ROVER, which provided students with valuable hands-on experience with technology and its application in marine and environmental research. This technological immersion expanded their understanding and inspired them to consider new approaches to environmental challenges.

In addition to scientific activities, the young people explored the rich history and culture of the local area with visits to the Archaeological Museum and the famous Palace of Knossos, the cradle of Minoan civilization. These experiences not only enriched their understanding of the marine environment but also strengthened their emotional connection to it, fostering a sense of responsibility and commitment to ocean protection.

The day concluded with a dinner featuring local products and traditional dances, providing a memorable conclusion to this enriching experience.

This meeting in Heraklion marks the second in-person exchange of the project, following the first event in Cagliari, Sardinia, in April 2023. The culmination of the project is scheduled for September 2024 in Mallorca, with IMEDEA as the host of the final gathering.


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