PETER DIVING Dive Center donates a PETER Diving System® diving equipment to support marine research


  • The diving club PETER DIVING and the Mediterranean Institute of Advanced Studies (IMEDEA) have signed a collaboration agreement for the use of the "PETER Diving System" (PETER) in the field of scientific research and marine conservation.




Photo: PETER Diving System (Author: Martin Colognoli)




Esporles, August 9, 2017. The diving club PETER DIVING and the Mediterranean Institute of Advanced Studies (IMEDEA) have signed a collaboration agreement for the use of the "PETER Diving System" (PETER) in the field of Scientific research and marine conservation.

PETER is a diving system that delivers air from the surface to several divers simultaneously. PETER offers great opportunities to conduct scientific studies in the marine environment in a safe, comfortable and easy manner. PETER is a diving system that is already used internationally for scientific diving and conservation activities, such as the NGO Coral Guardian in Indonesia. Its use in the field of Spanish scientific diving will be highly beneficial for the advancement of the marine sciences in Spain for the safety, comfort and versatility it provides. Several researchers from IMEDEA have conducted a training course these days to use PETER, already published under the standards of Scuba Schools International (SSI).

"Many of our investigations require scuba sampling for shallow, but relatively long dives where we perform multiple different activities (from counting marine organisms to assembling experimental structures in situ) during the same dive. PETER is an ideal system to perform this type of work at shallow depths; because when performing long dives in which are often transporting different scientific equipment, not having to carry a scuba tank and the hydrostatic vest not only provides more comfort, but also allows greater maneuverability. In addition, the PETER float system acts as a safety buoy as well as a platform for the transport of samples and scientific materials or even for the installation of GPS devices to know exactly the location of the experiments or samples. All of these factors substantially improve the work capacity for carrying out the different tasks and has a direct impact on safety during the execution of these tasks", indicated IMEDEA researcher Fiona Tomas Nash.


"At PETER Diving we are committed to the environment and also to local communities. We encourage inclusive leisure with PETER Handi, the voluntary program in which we take out diving people with functional diversity. On the other hand, through the TRITÓN Project we contribute 1% of our annual profit in environmental projects and we carry out voluntary actions whenever the opportunities arise. In both cases we donate equipment to non-profit organizations that can benefit local communities and the environment. Thus, we are delighted to be able to contribute to the advancement of the marine sciences in Spain that contribute to the conservation of the marine environment", declared Mr. José Escaño Roepstorff, Founder and CEO of PETER Diving.




Photo: PETER Diving System (Author: Martin Colognoli)







More information: PETER Diving System