Students from I.E.S Bendinat continue with the activities proposed within the ERASMUS+ YOU4BLUE project.


In an effort to raise awareness of environmental challenges and provide tools for sustainable living, students from I.E.S Bendinat continue to actively participate in the ERASMUS+ project YOU4BLUE: Young Generations for Sustainable Blue Growth. This project, supported by the European Union, aims to promote understanding of the importance of our marine resources and how we can preserve them.

One of the students' latest experiences was their visit to the Lonja de Palma de Mallorca fish market. There, they had the opportunity to explore the ancient craft of fishing up close, from catching to marketing fresh fish.

The students witnessed how the fishermen unloaded their catch of the day. They saw the different species of fish, shellfish and molluscs that had been caught in the nets.

This immersion allowed them to understand how these traditional and sustainable activities are fundamental to the supply of high quality seafood in our region.

Photo:  I.E.S Bendinat students during their visit to La Lonja of Palma 


In addition, as part of the project, a series of seminars were held under the name ‘Sea Curriculum’. Coordinated by the Mediterranean Institute of Advanced Studies (IMEDEA) in collaboration with I.E.S Bendinat, this activity allowed students to choose research topics and prepare presentations. Some of the topics addressed included:


‘Understanding and mitigating ocean acidification’.

Authors: Gemma Semley-Dyne, Fiona Martina Torres Cruz, Manoela Tsvetanova Manolova, Marc Reynes Garcia, Amelia Moral Blanco, Vlada Stashkevych.

‘Is sustainable tourism possible in Mallorca?’

Authors: Marcos Merino Sierra, Amadou Sall, Toni Matias Castell, Daniel Sander Gassner, Diego Bertorelli Carmona.

‘Posidonia meadows: facing a new extinction?’

Authors: Fernando Blanes, Hugo Gonzalez, Noelia Navarro, Alicia Catalá, Andrea Thyus, Lily Ron.


These seminars provided students with the opportunity to delve deeper into topics related to marine ecosystems and marine sciences. The active engagement of young people in YOU4BLUE contributes to sustainable development and appreciation for our seas and oceans.


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